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| I just realized my father is a complete manchild...

| >>804436

what happened?

| Elaborate.

| That's how men usually work, yeah.
I think they think it's cute or something.

| Whatever makes him happy

| Im a childman. 5 yo and already successful CEO 7 children, multi-quintillionaire and successfully dominated the world. grind never stops.

| >>804479 >>804505
He plays on his Nintendo Switch since he lost his job back when pandemic started. He's been on welfare since then. Mom on the other hand spends a lot of time with his best friend, probably fucking. I'm going to move out because he just keeps on squealing to the TV whenever he loses at that Mario game.

| >>804479 >>804505
He just messaged me out of the blue complaining about his job and coworkers. there is nothing actually wrong with his job he literally just messaged me to talk shit about other people and Idk I guess he expected me to join in. Talking about some "I deserve more and my boss is fat stupid and lazy >:(" it's such a bad look that it's not even funny. it's so embarrassing. not to mention he spends all his free time watching cartoons.

| The fact that he he decided to go off about this to his own son makes it even worse. Like he has friends (somehow) so why didnt he just talk to them instead of blogposting to his own son. Like being a judgemental asshole is one thing, but I dont understand how he doesn't feel ashamed when he willingly shows that side of himself to his own son. He needs to grow the fuck up.

| >>804558 >son

| >>05788b why maids? Unless is child? Also gtfo of there, demi-neets shouldn't have kids.

| >>33fc3d You need to stop posting.

| >>804850 wow, he really stopped posting

| >>33fc3d what

| >>8da1c3 what

| >>33fc3d who

| You seem like a jerk OP, in my humble opinion.

| >>33fc3d you

| >>f5f1d0 op is a victim of weeb abuse.>>8da1c3 no you

| this thread sucks.

| >>ed0770
OP, with all due respect, you're not exactly approaching this in a mature manner yourself.


| >>805332


Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1637268183

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