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Seagull appreciation thread

| A seagull has just shat on me copiously, negligently and incontinently, splatting my hair and clothes with disgusting yuk, causing me to stink of secondhand seagull food so I’ve had to shower and change my clothes. It then went and had blatant noisy sex with another seagull on the roof of the nearby office building.
Fuck seagulls. I hate seagulls and everyone who doesn't hate them as well.

| get gulled on fuckg/u/rl. if i were there i'd shit on you too

| This past weekend, I went for a walk on the beach and when I came back there was a seagull chilling right next to my towel.
I took a picture: https://imgur.com/a/o0K4yH1

But yeah, seagulls are assholes even to each other.

| This past weekend, I went for a walk on the beach and when I came back there was a seagull chilling right next to my towel.
I took a picture: https://imgur.com/a/o0K4yH1

But yeah, seagulls are assholes even to each other.

| Boys don't exist. Only seag/u/rlls.

| Seagulls will take over the world

| >>791204
Cool gull, g/u/rl.
Seagulls aren't assholes if you aren't an asshole to them in turn.
The ones in my area are super chill, I feed them from time to time!

| Hate them.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1633113901

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