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| | Me: /['#']\ VS /('-')\ :you

For attack: ('-')---O
For block: ('-')/
For dodge: ('-')=

we both start with 30hp if you don't block or dodge during an attack you loose 1hp, put a name to your character that will need to be like this /('-')\

| I don't understand the rules, so I brought a bomb and there's 2 hours left on the timer. Ima leave now

| ('-')---O

| Jimmy, the homeless pal is back again to defend his territory! And he decides to team up with >>791049 The Red G/u/rl!
Jimmy attacks OP as well!

| Not so fast, 2v1 isn't fair. The Solar Justice Warrior intervenes to protect op

| Boris join.
"He-he, now everybody will taste the proletarian dick in their ass!"
He take AKM and fire 5 rounds on everybody.

| Jimmy Dodges the bullets like he was in frickin' Matrix!
And then Jimmy calls Heavy Weapons Guy to befriend Boris!
*Soviet Anthem Plays*

| Strong Terry shows his strength and punches everybody with his mighty fists!

| ('-')=

| Ж

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1633449365

This thread is permanently archived