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| How the fuck do you get actually tested for ADHD as an adult without the shitty gatekeeping doctors saying there's no way you have it simply because your parents never took you to a shrink as a kid to check back then?

It's getting to be a severe detriment to my attempts to shape up and grow up and break out of being a no-life NEET and be a respectable self-sustaining adult, but they just think anyone asking for help with it wants drugs to sell them for recreational use & not HELP

| rupharma sells narcolepsy medication, it's not 100% the same article but it helps. idk if they deliver to where you live. xoxo

| The answer is sadly just to find a good doctor, and tell them you don't want medicine. Even if you do want medication if you get a diagnosis, just say you don't want to. That way they know it's because you actually want to know and not just for the meds.
And, honestly, I don't recommend the meds. Obviously your choice, but the people I know with ADHD have only been hurt by the meds. They don't actually fix anything. Just make you slow with a dash of extra depression.

Good luck!

| Issues like this make me question all the advices that are like "seek help" and "talk to a therapist". Seek help WHERE? Does this advice only apply if you live in some advanced countries with proper mental health awareness? Because most doctors just kinda suck at it.

Hope you can figure this out, op.

| Be glad you dodged the "drug up your kid as he's developing bro trust me" scare that parents went through my generation. Shit fucked me up so bad and didn't help me at all, only set me back. You need to set reward mechanisms for yourself, or your ADHD brain will constantly fall into unproductive routines. I celebrate progress or productive effort with light drinking along with an enjoyable activity for example. You have to practice self discipline to learn it. It's not easy for us.

| >>790289 I know someone with ADD who doesn't like to take meds for it because it makes them feel reclusive. They can't talk and socialise with people very well. Admittedly, he has only tried one medication though.

| >>790308
>Does this advice only apply if you live in some advanced countries with proper mental health awareness?
Yes, pretty much. You must live in Western Europe and perhaps certain American states although keep looking for a good doctor or therapist in the big cities of you country.

| >>790311
> set reward mechanisms
> practice self discipline
Please do elaborate, I really need to learn more about this.

| >>790311 >>790426
Reward mechanismz and self discipline +1

| >>790406 I was made to take abilify to 'cure' my ADHD. I now can't use my hands properly due to the side effects.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1632976227

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