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feeling like shit

| because someone will commit suicide, and I'm the responsible for it

| Unless that someone is you, you aren't really responsible.

| why wouldn't I be responsible?

i decided not to continue with it knowing that it would devastate her to the point of breaking her, pushing her commit suicide, im the responsible of it because the actions I made weren't the best I could've done to avoid the situation

| >>1d4d88 I have been on the other side of your position. I don't know fully the context, but I can tell you that even if you suddenly did everything right, that kinda feeling will linger.

| It's been about a year since I found out what she did to me. And the last 3 months have been like they never happened for her. All happy and lovey-dovey... But not for me.

Each time she says "I love you so much!" With that smile on her face, a part of me still says "then why?" Or "yeah, sure, til next time"

If you have to leave her or do something for your own good... Do it. Never mind her. She is responsible for herself.

| >>1d4d88 it could of been a messy exit but I'd wager you'd be lying to yourself and her if you stayed.

You'd be surprised how many people threaten suicide to prevent a breakup. You can't take responsibility for broken people, they were screwed from the crib.

| >>a45ff4 word


| >>772081 First time?

| >>772851 yep, the situation is having a better outcome now though.

thanks for the replies, it helped me a bit

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1626481726

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