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Got any good webcomics to recommend ?


| I was gonna ask if you would let me tell you about Homestuck... But apparently not...

| >>2b8e74 i was already told about homestuck for 5 YEARS, and i just beat it, even though they say you cannot fight it.
i'm so happy it's dead to me and that i can finally escape

| Stand Still Stay Silent
Kill Six Billion Demons

These are the ones I've stuck with after reading a whole ton over the years. All very good.

| Dog nigga lol

| Dog nigga is the wildest thing I've seen lol

| Is homestuck even that good? I got a bit past the meteor, but it's all so 'hehe randum xd'

| Unsounded is EXTREMELY FUCKING GOOD, especially if you like fantasy with intricate worldbuilding. http://www.casualvillain.com/Unsounded/comic+index/

Lackadaisy only updates like, two pages a year? But it's still going and the art is more jaw-dropping each time. https://www.lackadaisy.com/

Paranatural is the funniest cleverest comic I've read. Updates are a bit inconsistent, though! https://www.paranatural.net/

| >>771991
I've been meaning to read Stand Still Stay Silent and Kill Six Billion Demons for a while. Thanks for the reminder!

| I would recomend a very good manhwa (is like a webcomic tho), that left me speechless.
It's called: "Sweet Home"

| Its always raining in here and dead winter are both great reads

| >>772021
Oh yeah, I thought about recommending Paranatural too, but the last time I'd checked it had been on a hiatus for a long time. I haven't checked back up on it in a long while so I didn't wanna recommend a comic that I wasn't sure was still alive.

When I get around to spending a day off catching up on the others I mentioned, I'll have to hop back into that one too.

| Hey, does anyone else remember Girl Genius? I used to like it quite a lot back in the day.
Oh, and Gunnerkrigg Court. Haven't started it myself yet but heard a lot of good things.

| Unsounded is definitely great, and Gunnerkrigg Court really is too.

I love Subnormality, its unofficial slogan is 'webcomix with too many words' and it lives up to it so it's sort of hit or miss, but if the writing style worls for you there's a lot of really great stuff, and even the evolution of the comics themselves is interesting

Existential comics is another one i enjoy, philosophy jokes in webcomic form. Though i feel like lately it's been a little repetetive

| From Webtoon:
Sweet Home (Horror)
Heartstopper (Gay school lads)
ShootAround (Zombies but also very gay)

Regular webcomics:
On a Sunbeam (Gays in space) https://www.onasunbeam.com/
Prequel (MSPA; based on Skyrim p sure) https://www.prequeladventure.com/

I am a gay gurl

| Yeah, I have a good web comic. Try Spider-man.

| Sluggy Freelance
Girl Genius is still going and releasong a video game, too. GURPS book release still scheduled for sometime between now and the heat death of the universe.

| On Line Webtoon:

Hellper, Bastard (same writer and artist as Sweet Home)

Western webcomics, in no particular order:

Datachasers, Dr. McNinja, Cassiopeia Quinn, Order of the Stick, Kill Six Billion Demons, and Guilded Age are the first that come to mind.

| >>772244 are you really reading a webtoon if it isn't gay

| I really enjoy Randowis. His MMO comic is good too.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1626301899

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