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sh /tw/

| Why do i feel that i doesn't need self harm, i can stay without cutting few weeks, months... and than suddenly i can calmly, emotionless take razor blade, and make tens of cuts? always it is like that i feel happy that i stopped to cut myself... and than i will realise... that i don't....
what kind of trash am i? i wish to one thing happen... i wish to sorry all people who did i cut-off... i wish learn to live.... but i can't... i did even stopped writing with my favourite person..

| ..who do i really like, maybe even love... but i don't want to hurt her with my psychic.. because i know that i can sometimes over-share really a lot mistakenly.. *venting with vocaloids on danger/u/*

| You're overthinking, you're probably slightly addicted to the cutting as it's a very hard habit to fully break, and you need help.

| ... don't... die... grow... old...and...stop...using...ellipsis...get...a...hobby...

| I... C.. a... N... '... T...

| ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................fa-

| it can be a very difficult habit to break, my therapist told me to snap a rubber band against myself instead of cutting and it helped wean me off

| >>753584 i tried ice, red ink instead it and so in past... But it was do nothing to me to being honest.. but i feel happy for you that it's helping you

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1618966694

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