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Do you want to be famous?


| No just rich af

| Are you paying for the hotel? And how much are you paying me?

| God no

| No I don't even like employees at places recognizing me

| >>751835

| No, it sounds awful. I just want to be me, even though some people have said I look like a model idc

| Who in their right mind would want that?

| no, all the attention couldn't possibly end well. Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool to be famous for something I'd love doing but the fun only lasts for so long before I go off the deep end. It's hard enough going to a place I'm not familiar with in public. Being a star would be the death of me.

| Famous to a general audience and to the gamut of news media? Definitely not.
Famous to a specific audience, perhaps within a particular niche community or field of study? That sounds much better. Still not sure I'd go for it, but if I did something that was worth the level of recognition of the latter scenario, I could probably live with that.

| >>752069
Pretty much this honestly

| >>752069

| >>752069 Yeah, this... This is nice

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1618720189

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