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I have a broken heart

| I confessed my feeling's to this g/u/rl i like but she doesn't want to be together.
She is ok with being friend's.
I just want to be left alone in my melancholy

| Scream into the void while listening to dem musical tunes

| If that helps, you would probably suffer in any case.

| It's okay. I know how that feels. It's such a bittersweetness. You get to continue spending time with this amazing person but never get to try going more than friends.
But, after a while, then it becomes okay again. You just have to hold out for when it's good again!

| The grief, is it good?

| Don't be friends cause boys and girls aren't meant to be friends

| >>750121
Yeah. OP. You need to return to being a kindergartener. Sorry to tell you.

| >>750131 Oh yeah it's diaper time

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1617664132

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