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Tips for staying motivated and how to stay in shape?

| Basically what the title says.

| sex

| Don't do it for anyone other than yourself. I finally stopped trying to pretend I want to get in shape for health reasons or to impress anyone else: I just want big arms.
Since accepting this, I've been working out almost every day for a good couple months now.

| get into routine, make time for it (there is no such thing as i'm too busy, stop making excuses). That's all there is to it girl

| And I guess making realistic goals, start small, don't be discourage if you don't achieve your goal the first time. But do have something to work towards

| Watch your calorie consumption and get into the habit of actively thinking about what you're putting into your body. There's a lot of free apps for this purpose, but I personally use MyFitnessPal.

| I love sex.

| >>748668 >>748822
That definitely helps, but you don't get sex without already being in shape in the first place.

| I guess OP asked how to *stay* in shape, so I suppose that works.

| >>749098
True. Also, you can get sex without being in shape. It's just a bit easier when you are in shape.

| >>749094
Not that it's a rule of law or anything but speaking from experience this isn't true. I had more sex when I wasn't in shape than I'm having now. I don't think it's that important of a factor(but it helps).

| >>749118
wait is it detrimental then?

| >>749125
Look it up in the bible

| Make a sports plan and stick to it. Try to do it in the morning so you have already done it for the rest of the day. And also: Try to see it as a necessity like brushing your teeth. You HAVE to do it. Just do it and stop complaining. It's just care for your Body like showering etc.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1617268693

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