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Why are liminal spaces scary?

| I mean, games like Portal, Backroom, empty game servers of games powered on source engine... what is causing this feeling? i thought that am i alone who experience this, because i have fear from being abandoned by others... but what is than origin of that fear, when it's not by my psychic?

| wat

| I belive it's a mixture of nostalgia and unease created by unnatural spaces that you aren't supposed to look to closely at. Most liminal spaces once existed to house people, stores, etc but are now abandoned. It's the lack of anything organic in the pictures that makes us feel this way. The environments of liminal spaces were also never supposed to be the focal point of anyone's view. Check out the video solar sands on youtube made about liminal spaces, it is quite good

| Maybe little something as uncanny valley?

| I think another large part of it is that they're spaces you're not meant to stay in. So you inherently have a sense of "I shouldn't be here, I should get out"

| Is this about this video from the sand guy?

| Loneliness is scary.

| Regarding Source games in particular, to me it always feels like the character is a bit too short relative to the enviroment. As if Chell, Gordon Freeman and otheres are like 1,60 tall at most, with the camera set to their eye height at 1,40.

| >>747081
Because you may not be as alone as you think

| >>2411c0
I think that might be one of the reasons. Your brain has never seen a supermarket empty irl. So when you get to see one, your brain lets you know that something is wrong.
Also, it might be that we associate the fact that when there is no one around in an open space, something bad could happen and we feel vulnerable. We can see this as a resource on horror movies.
As for videogames, it might be the same, a game that should not be supposed to be empty can feel uncomfortable.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1616559820

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