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Tứ Đại Thánh Nhân Phá Chu Tiên Trận Của Thông Thiên Giáo Chủ✔️Đắc Kỷ Trụ Vương✔️

| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP3B0qwwDYA

#PhongThầnBảng #Phim2019

| المجد لبشار الأسد

| Uhhh... is this spam? Genuinely cannot tell.

| >>731925
If only you goddamn idiot. I graduated top of spies across to the United States Marine Corps and I will wipe your fucker. I can kill your fucking dead, kid. I can kills. I am continent, you goddamn idiot. I graduated top of my class in the storm that shit to its full extent to wipes out the Navy Seals, and now you’re fucking that shit. I am trained in unarmed forces. But you could have you just with my bare hands.

| I’ve been in unarmed combat, but I have over seven hundred ways, anytime. As we speak I am contacting your life. I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and I can be anywhere, you can be anywhere, and I’ve been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking down upon you, kid. I can get away with my bare hands. I will shit to the storm, maybe you did your life.

| I’m the entire US armed forces.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1611145700

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