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Where can I get psychological help?

| What anonymos/semi-anonymos places are there in the internet where you can get some help with your psychological problems?
Probably something like reddit. Not 4chan or danger/u/ where you most likely won't hear anything helpful

(have nothing against this place but maybe there are some other websites?)

| you won't find anything like that on the internet. personal experience. reddit is generally as shit as 4chan now.

| Country of origin? This is one for the US:



I wouldn't be surprised if other countries have also aggregated such places.

| If you want it to be anonymous and over the internet and you want a direct back and forth, well, you will have to trust strangers. So I hope you like gambling.

As someone who's made that gamble many times, I can tell you that it's a double edged sword. I've found people who I thought I could trust but at the moments where I was the lowest just dropped me or made it way worse.

But, I also found someone who saved me from suicide and changed me and my entire life for the better.

| So, it's risky.
You might end up with a way worse mental state, or a much better one. You might end up further down than you've ever been and feel like suicide is the only option left, or you might find plenty of reasons to live and a person you can without hesitation entrust with your life at a moment's notice knowing with 100% certainty that they will hold onto it harder than anyone ever has and make everything in it better.

At least that's my experience with it.

| Dreamwidth has some nice mental health-oriented communities but also it's been literal years since I've been there.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1610780938

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