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Zoomers be like

| Peepee poopoo cringe boomer based based based chimp cringe peepee doomer *fart noise* coomer coomsumer poopoo lift fornite boomer virgin

| tbh even those terms seem to be dying out.

i wonder what xoomer speech will be like

| >>728653
Probably just singular letters and numbers.

| Peepeepoopoo is a great word and I'm glad it makes op upset

| >>728584 ok boomer

| >>728653
Screetching binary

| >>728694

01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01110100 01110100 01101100 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101000 00111111

| >>728840 hot

| What are Yoomers like?

| >>728584 internet was an error and this is the evidence

| >>728584 its so hard to talk to zoomers. I'm not even that old(19) but I dont get them. Maybe I'm just dumb.

| >>728931
Bro, I'm 17 and I don't get it. Half the shit they say is un-intelligible, even though I probably count as one. It's scuffed.

| >>728931 >>728951
You're BOTH Zoomers. Been hanging out with too many old people, eh?

I find zoomer language fascinating. Languages is always evolving and all that, but with the internet it seems to be changing much faster and on a more global scale.

| >>728958 i don't classify it as a language by its own, it's more like a dialect or something

besides that, those are all slangs that will probably stop being used in a few years

| >>728980
Oh I'm not saying it's a "language" like how English and German are different! It's just referring to how a kind of people communicate, you know, like "medical language" or "language of diplomacy".

| >>728929 "internet was a mistake" naah please use right terms when are you referring..

| >>728993

chip-truth, omae. Real wiz.

| >>728990
so jargon then?

| >>728958
I don't really hang out with older people is the thing though. I know some, but most of the people I interact with are my own age. I think it's mostly just because I avoid most social media, so I know all the "zoomer words" but I don't see them super often and the people I interact with don't use them that much, so they haven't grown on me I think.

| I am entirely immersed in zoomer speak. Shit do be mad gucci doe ngl.

| >>729043

it took me forever to figure out what the fuck a "pogchamp" was.

i still think its stupid, but in fairness, I say "based" all the time and barely anyone remembers the origin of that slang.

| >>729073 is there a meaning behind "based"? Lol

| >>729077


>4years ago.

god we're old.

| >>729081 the rapper/group mentioned in the page released an album "Based Boys" in 2007

| >>728997
Well I'm referring to the phraseology in general, but sure, jargon is part of it.

But c'mon, it's not like we're discussing rigorism in the Harvard Department of Linguistics. Don't get hung up on it.

Wait you're saying even "based" is considered old now?

| >>729134
It really baes on your dab, homeslice.

| Based thread

| >>729134
I'll hang you up on it *dabs*

| >>728993 my biological body is Yoomer, but my mentality is probably Xoomer ;-;

| >>729362

so are you like 12 or something?

inb4 underageb&

| Yololololo captain dickbutt

| So...OP is outing themself as a xoomer?

who gives a fuck what zoomers do when I was a kid everyone had skate shoes, studded belts and the absolutely shittest haircuts and listened to the worst fucking whiny white boy emo music (and many still do). Let kids suck in their own way, they'll grow into jaded adults like us too

| >>729073 oh thank god I thought i was the only one who didn't know what a pogchamp was

| Wth sus mean?

| >>729582

anon lookin kinda sus tbh

| >>729671 stop making word up

| >>729703

no u

| Yo momma

| I find zoomerlanguage very interesting but also very offensive and uncomprehensive. Some of them are really "strong" terms like simp, cringe, toxic and etc. Also it's super political, which i haven't ever seen in a generation before. Like u see 15 year olds who describe themselves as ancap and so on. Probably because they grew up in the internet and are exposed to so much political stuff than older generations who were kinda "cut off" in their childhood from politics

| Btw im 21,born in 1999 can someone explain what generation i am? Kinda too young for millenials but am i really one of the zoomers or what? The sources always tell something else. Kinda feel like a mixture tbh

| >>730159

Why label yourself? There are still people today who refer to anyone born in the last decade as "millenials" even though that terms describes people born in the late eighties onward. Its just a bland brush to paint people with to make a political point.

| Okay, now this is epic.
Can we get some poggers in the chat?

| >>730159 on border of y/z


| >>bf42cf hi sis

| >>b94dfd hi bro

| Hope she sees this bro

Total number of posts: 47, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1610896097

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