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A box of mints

| My best friend has a boyfriend.
My best friend found out that his boyfriend had been cheating on him in secret for 4 months.
My best friend is an extremely nice and forgiving person and gave his boyfriend a second chance after a day of talking through things, even though he knew the best thing for him would probably be to break up on the spot.
My best friends birthday is soon
His boyfriend sent some gifts
First gift my best friend gets after being cheated on is a £3.99 box of mints

| Non brainer issue, break up thats all

| Maybe he's saying that if he had better breath, he wouldn't have cheated on him

| >>728563
If only it was that easy. My best friend is still in love with him, and he seems like he genuinely regrets it. He stopped cheating a while ago on his own because he felt bad about it, before my bff knew, so my bff wants to give him a second chance.
He's socially retarded though. There are genuine gifts that are in shipping rn but my best friend is usually modest and says "no big gifts please" so he thought a box of mints was a good idea before the proper gifts arrived.

| >>728570 aaaah now its complictated, sorry to have rushed a response this much

| >>728568
Big doubt. It would have had to be the other way around in that case.

The situation is better than I made it seem in OP post. I was just fucking baffled by the fact that the very first gift my best friend got after having been cheated on was a fucking £3.99 box of mints.
The intention was good because the mints came in a cute box that he can keep a necklace (that arrives in a few days) inside of that box, but he should have at least timed then to arrive at the same time.

| You should try to talk it out with your bff, but not to convince him, just be honest and tell how you feel about his relationship

| >>728573
Ay, homie, don't worry about it. I'm happy to rant about it and shit. I just wrote it that way in OP post because, well, the concept of getting a box of £3.99 mints as compensation for being cheated on is just, it's sounds like the punchline to a joke from a novel or some shit.

| >>728575
Oh, I do. I am very, very open about my feelings towards his boyfriend and towards their relationship, but I do want him to make his own decisions. And, who am I to say that the relationship can't be saved?

Also, when he got exposed for having cheated, me and my best friend group called him as soon as he woke up so he also knows my feelings towards him to put it very lightly. I've never talked so more shit and genuinely meant every word of than on that call.

| >>728585 I see, hope things go well

| >>728586
I do as well. I really just want the very, very best for him. If his boyfriend does some shit like that or just anything doesn't go well, well, I'll make fucking sure it's okay in the end no matter what.

Thanks for listening, and to clarify, I don't think the boyfriend is an inherently bad person. Just flawed and lacking social skills. My best friend saved my life, changed my life and made me a way better person. So there is a chance the same happens for his boyfriend.

| This is a sweet thread, nice to see op caring about a friend.

Imo the size of the gift doesn't matter, no gift should really influence the relationship after something like that. Material things don't fix emotional issues after all.

In my experience though cheating isn't so much a judge of character as it is a judge of how compatible two people are. If it's real love then neither party should even consider it.

I'd keep an eye out for your friend OP. Don't let them get hurt again

| >>728655
Well, the whole thing when it comes to reasoning kind of lies outside of their relationship. While he denied it, it was obvious from his behaviour that he hadn't moved on from his last partner. So it was less of "this relationship is bad" and more "I don't know how to move on from this person that I don't like as much but still have some feelings for".

I would agree when it comes to size of gift doesn't matter, but he's rich and my bff is poor, so it's just, kinda iffy.

| You know what I mean?

Like, when you can spontaneously purchase new gaming consoles and shit with your pocket money, but the thing you send as a sign of "you're the one I truly love" is a cheap box of mints from Amazon, that will be kinda hurtful. Like, try to imagine yourself in that scenario, and it will kinda sting.

But, as I explained, it was the first in a chain of gifts that arrive at different dates, but, yeah.

| >>728655
And, well, when it comes to keeping an eye out for him, I do. I really, really do, and I always will. Like, for example, I avoid talking to his boyfriend unless it's group calls or a short interaction that are for the purpose of helping my bff, because I want to judge everything he does objectively and not in any way obscured by sympathy or feelings of friendship towards him.

I always put my best friend above anything else, and he does the same for me. That won't change.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1609984480

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