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I just broke down crying because of work

| Twice. And I feel a third one coming. Fuck, I feel pathetic. I ended up working 15 hours today instead of usual 8 and every minute of those 15 hours was LOADED with stress. Every. Minute. Granted, it's all mostly my fault. I'm still lowkey mad at the boss and the team lead for not presenting a clear enough task, but ultimately I was the one who screwed up. And I was just going to ask for a raise. Shit. Someone please just end me, I feel like complete garbage.

| That shit isn't your fault. Don't feel bad about breaking down because of work. It's sadly a very normal thing.

Work is a very stressful thing, and if you don't get enough time to properly take care of yourself and your mental state and stress down completely, then breaking down is a natural reaction.

I'm not sure how much free time you have, but you should try finding a way to completely stress down and not think of work when you have it.

| >>728018 I've been there g/u/rl. I've cried at work about 6 or 7 times this year, a good few of them in front of managers too.
It doesn't make you pathetic though, it only makes you human. Nothing wrong with that.

Your boss/bosses will have seen shit like that plenty of times before, they'll be more concerned than judgemental.
Treat this as a chance to have more open communication with your boss/bosses about your feelings towards work, and what happened.

| Communicating with them and discussing what was up will not only clear away any misconceptions about what happened, but create an all around better environment for you to work in. Plus being confident in yourself enough to admit your flaws and take credit is something any employer values way more than lying and pretending you're flawless.

Take this as an opportunity to open things up, not a chance to rag on yourself.

| >>728018

| >>420eb8
Thanks. Well, I managed to sleep for a couple hours and already got an hour for myself today. But the day is still young and now I fear that yesterday's situation might repeat itself.

Damn, that's rough. For better or for worse though, I work remotely so no one saw that happen. And I sure as hell ain't gonna mention it to anyone at work. Kinda awkward, if nothing else.

>hugs back
I really needed that, thanks.

| >>728102
I'm glad you got some sleep, though you shouldn't fear it. Fearing it will only make the stress and negative emotions worse. Try to think of it this way:
If it happens, it happens. But you'll deal with it fine. Even though it hurts in the moment, it'll be okay afterwards.
So try not to stress it or think too much about it. I used to constantly be scared of stuff like that happening again after the first few times, and the stress I got from worrying about it made it happen.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1609846523

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