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Do you g/u/rls ever feel like you're wasting your life on-line ?

| I mean, I feel like I don't remember doing anything 2020 aside from watching anime, playing video games and browsing reddit, I don't even feel like I'm connected to this world anymore, I work 6 days a week and only got 2 hour of free time per day (aside from Sunday) and I waste it all in front of my PC, doing absolutely nothing, did you ever feel this way ? How did you escape this "loop" ?

| Well you escape this loop by doing something else. What is the actual question?

| >>f06b0f Well it's not really a question, I'm just trying to discuss this subject here, see the views of other people in the same situation

| 2 hours ? That's not even enought time to sleep

| I love cybersex.

| all the time.

sometimes i'll just turn off everything and go outside, tbh. It sounds like a meme but I enjoy fucking off from the internet for awhile.

| Yes. Now I try to cut out the online part from my routine. It is not that easy but I think I am moving into the right direction. Time is short after all.

| >>727984 2 hours aside from a 7 hour nap

| Even things for like playing guitar I need to be online, so I can find tablatures

| >>727989 I live in the ass of the world, is difficult to find somewhere to go. Where do you like to go when offline ?

| i don't even have anything else to do than be online

| I've been there OP. I had to switch jobs, end relationships, move across the country and remove all social media (like fb, ig, etc.) to start to feel like a human being again.

Moved out of LA, CA to a small town in WA. I actually enjoy neighbors and going into town now. I don't feel constantly suffocated by the mass of people, my job, or my environment anymore.

In this day and age, it's hard to escape the loop. It's deeply ingrained in the larger cities.

| I also feel like I'm wasting my time when not online. At least online time goes faster

| online culture wars gave my life meaning

| >>728024 That's cool, I wish I could do it too

| >>727998

The park mostly.

Back when I was in college I'd just drive or walk around downtown. Sometimes just spend time drinking coffee in a cheap diner, watching people.

Kinda miss living there now. Ever since moving back home, i've felt increasingly trapped.

| >>c7b641 I understand that vibe, I moved back to my hometown after college and felt super trapped and stuck. I decided to fuck off across the country to make no money as a volunteer but hey it's an "escape" now I'm just online with you g/u/rls

| Every day, more and more.

| Both yes and no, but mostly no.
I don't really use social media (aside from this board) unless it's purely DMs or small groups, like on Discord and Snapchat. So I only really use it to talk to my friends, and as my very best friend lives overseas and the ones who live close by still live too far away to see regularly, well, that's an extremely important thing for me.

Other than that I use the internet for music production, YT and shows, which helps me stay sane, so, not a waste.

| >>727909 I was 1 day thinking about it in march.. but than i realised that i always was like this, so i only accepted it.. i'm taking life as something worthless, and i'm sometimes thinking about suicide, but i'm too weak to do it.. i can say that i live online, and my body is only existing here like how is.. even from online world am i know my friends, and they are really nice to me <3

| >>728377 It's hard for me to accept it when my sister is always telling me that I should go out and talk with people

| Internet and guitar being the only places where I don't wanna kill myself I don't see a big motivation to stop overusing them, like, doing a thing I hate and being screamed at 6 days just to get 12 hours of MAYBE a little happiness don't seem like a good deal to me

| all the time. sadly it feels like i can do nothing about it. it's become a part of my life. i have not at all escaped this hell hole.

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1610012576

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