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I don't know what I'm feeling

| A lot of stupid shit happened recently. My ex was chasing me around too and it made me feel so bad and sick. I honestly just want him to leave me alone

Normally I'd be optimistic at times like these but tbh I can no longer bring myself to be positive. But I'm not pessimistic about the future either. Idk, I just let life do whatever it wants with me. Fuck me up or not, I don't care anymore

| Outta touch
Most of time
Gotta lotta things on my mind
I need a change, I need it quick
Before it makes me sick

| Chasing you? You mean like.. stalking and shit like that? If so, it's so fucking creepy and awful that I don't even know what to say, op. Just.. stay strong? That's the only option really. We g/u/rls will always be here for you.

| You need to out crazy your ex to make him stop. Try shitting in a diaper and when you see him, take it off and throw it at him.

| >>700884
He found out that I was leaving a certain social media platform and so he went and spammed me with a lot of messages on Discord. At first I didn't have him added because I made a new one but he joined the server I was in only to do that

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1601251008

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