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I'm 27. How old are you?

| I've wasted my entire youth on imageboards. I have no job, no friends, no education, no skills, no experiences.

I fear it might be too late for me to turn this ship around.

| 23

And as cliche as it sounds, there's still time as pong as you're alive. Stay strong, gurl.

| Long**

| Im 12

| 24. Same, but not imageboards and I have a bad job and education.

| >>b37652 >>b37652
Thanks fren, I guess I'll try my best to get help. And I like Pong.

And what is this?

What have you wasted your time on then?

| 69

| 30.

| 13

| I'm 28, I've wasted my youth studying, and didn't even got a decent job. I should have spent my time at parties or something.

| I'm 17, and, I'm pretty fucked to the point of barely being alive. One day things are going to be better though. No matter how far of it is it's going to get better. At least I hope so.

| Hi 27. I'm dad.

| 7 this is my dad tablet

| 19.
Sounds stupid coming from someone younger than you, but you got the rest of your life to turn it around bro.

That's ~50/60 years to go. You've only lived fraction of what's to come. Keep your chin up.

| 26 ;_; I keep forgetting how old I am sometimes lolol I see feel like I'm still 19-21

| Freecodecamp yourself with certificates. Then get work.

| This kind of thread shows up every month or so. We're all just real self-conscious about our age, huh.

| >>700125
It's to be expected.
We teach that old is bad but also good, so of course people get complexes about it.

| >>700111
Big mood. I just turned 25 recently and I still have to remind myself that I'm not a teen anymore.

| 9+10


| >>dcc88a
Math? I told you I don't have an education!


I still feel like that but I think it might to do with a stunted emotional growth or something.

| >>700288
Nah bro. People are just different. If you feel like you act more like a teen than an adult, embrace that shit. While I'm just 17, I sometimes act like a little kid. "Acting your age" is a dumb concept.

| How do you survive without a job without an incom
>>699772 >>63a0dc

| I'm 12 and reading stories of you guys is freaky

| >>700724
If you're actually 12, I don't recommend being on this board. It's not good for you.

| >>700801, Is it... danger/u/s?

| >>700724
Come play with Onee-san~

| >>699772
I'm almost 20yo and I feel the same

| I'm 28 and just recently learnt what being an adult means.

| >>700724
I've been on the internet since I was 9, so I won't tell you to go away, but just keep in mind there's a lot of bad habits here you shouldn't pick up. Some discussions you really shouldn't get into.

| >>700833
Oh good I still have 5 years to figure it out then.

| I'm about to become 21. Oddly not as different from being a teen, compared to what I imagined being 21 is like

| >>699772 you got this g/u/rl, we believe in you

| >>700833
And? What does it mean? What did you learn?

| >>700826 huh? What's up?

| >>700801 it's got better atmosphere from Facebook though.

| >>700872
Listen kid. Getting started with the Internet in my early teens is what ruined my life.
So not only get off this site but leave the Internet entirely. The sonner the better because that shit fucks you up in your head.

| >>700873
Homie, trust me on this. The internet is both and amazing and an extremely dangerous place.

You're gonna be subjected to a lot of things you shouldn't be subjected to at your age. You're gonna see opinions and ways of thinking that can be life ruining if you start thinking like that yourself.

If you think you know what's good and what's bad, then you don't. Legit. I've fallen into those traps. I've gotten out of them eventually, but that was at at an older age.

| >>700912 >>700929

Just because you guys screwed up in your life doesn't mean I have to. Thanks for the advice regardless but I am the one in control of what I do.

| >>701016
And that attitude already shows you're going downhill. Good luck.

| Y'all, give the kid a break. There are a lot of places worse than danger/u/. They'll be fine... I hope.

| >>701025
There are way worse places than Danger/u/, yes.
Still it does not change the fact that this place is nothing for someone with that tender age.

| >>701016 Honestly I agree with you, I've seen middle aged people get into some of the nasty shit we're warning you about. So yeah you can avoid the mistakes some of us did, just takes some self awareness on your part.

| 21, I tell people I feel old AF. Can't imagine becoming 30, prolly die before then. Going through uni getting a computer science degree, for game design.

| 29, I turn 30 tomorrow.

| >>701098 happy birthday!

| >>701098
happy almost birthday!

| data mining thread desu~

| >>701229 that's why i larp a 12 years old

| >>701248 that's smart.. I'm 10

| >>701098

Happy birthday.

| 21, fuckin' yoomer

| 29 and dying from Lyme disease, life sucks

| I'm 21, it's weird knowing there are people older than me on here. It doesn't get better, does it?

| 26, and life is fucking rough, but I'm not giving up that easily!

| >>701433
Will you 100% die? (Idk what lyme disease is)

| I'm 50 this December

Total number of posts: 57, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1601458429

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