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I can't stop getting sick

| I just keep falling ill and it's very fucking annoying (`皿´#)

At this point, it looks like it's a hobby of mine to catch some kind of cold every month or so. What the hell is wrong with my immune system? Like, really. I've encountered such a huge number of diseases of almost every kind that it really pisses me off. If there's even a tiniest chance of things going bad with my organism, things WILL go bad, apparently. So stupid...

| Even doctors don't have any idea what to do with me at this point. Funny, huh? I have always thought that I'll most certainly die from some kind of an accident, but it looks like I have more chances of passing away at the hospital from some stupid-ass shit that no one knows how to cure; OR simply because my entire body is fucked up beyond repair because of how much is wrong with my health

| i almost never get sick. i can't remember the last time i was. i'm serious, i've gone probably years without a cough.

so don't feed your kids antibiotics, ladies. let them fight it out unless it's worrying. and let them get dirty! it's very important for a kid to get sick and so their immune systems build. let them play in the dirt, as long as it's washed off later it's good for them.

| >>697970
..well, woah. What makes you think I'm taking so many antibiotics so that it's them responsible for my crumbling health, huh? Haven't even mentioned them. Surely, antibiotics shouldn't be given unless it's necessary, and even then you should take it only under strict doctor's supervision, yes, but seeing them as the source of all health-issues evil is just.. woah. Even if you take them pretty often, it won't fuck up your whole immune system.

| I get sick a lot as well. It sucks. I don't really know how to prevent it, and the fact that I usually have problems noticing that I'm sick and therefore push myself until it gets really bad is suck.

| The bacteria will mutate more as they'll develop immunity to the antibiotic's active ingredient, so it'll be harder to guess them right and treat your infection efficiently, but your own immune system will be fine.

Also, do you realise that not every disease is treated with antibiotics?

| I'm not talking just about some kind of Influenza in my original post, I've been talking about all manner of problems in all manner of body's systems (like cardiovascular or digestive systems) that is never treated with antibiotics, and, well, to blame drugs to be the cause of my (or any other person's state) is just silly

| Sorry for being a bit too salty, it just pains me so much to hear such things about medicine and all that. I have a medical education myself and it's just.. fucking hell.

| >>697972
antibiotics make your immune system weak. it's like driving a car everywhere you go versus running. your body doesn't get fit if you don't use it.
also i think i'm probably a pretty good authority on the matter since i wasn't given cheaty pills aka antibiotics and barely get sick now, while you suffer that all the time.

| >>697976

| >>697986
You know what? Doesn't matter. You may believe whatever it is you like to believe, I'm not going to waste my time arguing here. It doesn't matter much since none of us are going to change one's mind or anything. Take care

| Well you two aren't without any facts or anything. Now I'm no expert but I believe antibiotics can help. BUT like anything over relying on them can be harmful. Like they said it can cause your body to be unprepared. At least thats what I've read. But again they're a good thing in the right places. You just need the right tool for the job. >>697990 >>697986

| It's because you're a slob who doesn't wash between touching gross stuff and your mouth/food.

And if you don't eat, sleep and exercise well your immune system becomes weak so every point of contact with infected material becomes an infection.

| I feel this.
I wouldn't let a year finish without me getting sick at some point. I was bedridden for days. I hate antibiotics so much (mainly because they taste so icky) but I had to take them.
This quarantine though, I worked on improving my health. I've yet to get sick to the point I have to take antibiotics, but I'm not wishing for it.
If you're able, do exercises, drink a lot of water, sleep early and have 8 hours of sleep. All the simple things, but they definitely work.

| For like 2 years i was constantly sick, and had bad pollen/dust allergies which I never used to get. Then found out the ceiling of my apartment was full of mold. Landlord didnt want to do anything about it. So i moved out. After about three weeks felt almost compleatly back to normal. I still get allergies pretty bad, but I don't constantly have a cold and I'm not coughing up half a cup of mucus every morning.

| It's because you're a 2 IQ and don't exercise
Kids who run regularly have same immune system as a 21 year old

| >>698418

| I don't eat well, I dont do sports, and I'm never sick.
It's funny, the things you can do with simply a proper hygiene.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1600583568

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