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Let's share cringy YouTube videos

| I'll start https://youtu.be/1aHjI6cxauI

I just watched this today but it was the most cringe I've seen in one video.

Basically this guy who has a predator catching channel does a collab with Cassidy Campbell if you know who that is and Cassidy shaves all his hair from his head including eyebrows and makes him try to pick up chicks and to be honest I watch the predator catcher guys channel and he is normally kinda awkward but this was extreme cringe.

You have been warned

| this video is strange.. but honestly i do like the way how do they hunting predators.. <3

| I cannot watch this damn video for more than 15 seconds, jesus fucking christ

| poor guy looked legit hurt lmao

| pickup artists are always kinda cringe by definition.
here, the video that started it all. is this cringe? or based? ying and yang, the duality of human existence... ladies and gentelwomen, give it up for Time Machine Modulus!

| https://youtu.be/DnVjdLriU3M

| >>693998

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1599306091

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