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what do you do when you're sad?

| i cry sometimes to let go of the pain inside me especially when it gets overwhelming. i usually listen to music though or simply sleep

| Nicotine, maybe vent to some people, and maybe hug a stuffed animal and regress.

| I paint my face like Rainbow Dash and take selfies while crying in the school bus.

| make other people feel like shit

| Play games if I feel like it, something that can completely distract me from the outside world and shit that makes me sad. Otherwise just go to sleep I guess

| I get into a corner of my room, preferably under my desk, wrap myself in a blanket, wrap the desk in a blanket, then be alone with my thoughts. I would draw, listen to music, sing to myself and talk to myself loudly, but i wouldn't talk to anybody. Then I would cry lots and lots for a few hours until I fall asleep. Altho I only do this when I'm near to having a mental breakdown.

| Get drunk
Go to sleep

| >>693519
All of them, in this order. Just as a little note

| >>693519 fucking truth

| >>693533
Always nice to see that I am not the only fucked up person around.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1598874296

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