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I love my new grinder

| Seperates crystal perfectly. I can have a kief bowl whenever i want

| And here I though you meant an angle or coffee grinder...

| >>693283

I do need a good coffee grinder for sure.

| >>693354
don't g/u/rl, trust me, i got the niche zero ($700) about a year ago and I'm already wanting to upgrade to fucking monoliths ($2.5k) and shit.

it's a hole you'll never dig yourself out from

| >>693354 Grab a good hand grinder. They're relatively affordable! I recommend the ones from Feldgrind. The Commandante is also a good one! Kinu builds good grinders too.

| >>693362 Rip gurl. What'cha drinking? Espresso?

| >>693362 >>693379

Oh trust as a poor betch i've worked a looot of barista jobs. I wont break 100 for a grinder. I normally get my beans ground at the cafe i buy from but i wanna try different grinds at home too, pour over.

Also this is delightful I didnt expect coffee enthusiasts here!

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1598822531

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