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Twin tail lover

| Anybody here love twin tail and also oversized hoodie...???

| Tatatarata

| I often wear this one oversized hoodie and my hair isn't long enough for that, but yeh, it's adorable

| Realistically, no g/u/rl will ever make their hair into long as fuck twin tails.

| my girlfriend always wear oversized hoodie (mine actually) and i never see her use other hair style orher than twin tail

| Try an anime called Gonna be the Twintail!!

| hehehe twintail ni narimasu, you one troll fucker

| >>68909
The opening of that anime is still stuck in my head years after its release... 'TELL ME WHY!'

| i already watch that... ahahahah....

| We all know that we can't beat nine tailed Foxes

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1513470255

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