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why do people become parents when they're clearly not suited for it

| this is something i honestly can't wrap my head around. ego? over confidence? selfishness?

i see so many parents that clearly shouldn't be parents.

examples: i see kids that only get the bare minimum of what they need from their parents without getting any affection. i see parents that neglect their kids and just leave them with a phone or something. it's so stupid, yet so common. and as much as i hate to admit it, it even goes for my own parents. it's so nonsensical.

| Condoms are expensive I guess? Some people are just too dumb to use prevention... and also people just are freaking stupid. If you think they're bad parents maybe start thinking about how intelligent those lads are overall. Oh, and there's a saying in my language... translated it's something like 'Stupid fucks well.'

| >>675002
are condoms really expensive? even if they are, i can't imagine they'd be hard to get your hands on. i remember when in 7th grade a kid brought one into class lol. but yeah, most of these people are just really fucking stupid. it's unfortunate because the stupid usually gets passed down to the kids, unless they eventually learn that their parents are fucking dumbasses.

| >>675008 Sarcasm. Sorry man. xD No, condoms aren't that exoensive or hard to use. Like seriously. Just stick your dingus end in them and make sure it fits nicely. Done.

| And yes, this is how it works. Stupid x stupid = stupid.

| >>3522d0
oh yeah i recognized it was sarcasm lol, i just thought you were referring to people with less money that might consider it to be expensive.

and that doesn't surprise me. stupid people breed more stupid people and those stupid people create more stupid people unless an intelligent kid comes around and breaks the cycle. sucks, but i guess that's just how it is. lol

| yeah, Africans, why'd ya do that?

| >>675019 underfunded schools leading to lack of sex education, combined with the limited access to abortion and the (terrible) idea that a kid can fix a relationship

| >>675019
not just africans. i've seen it happen to people of all races. if you're gonna be racist at least pick something that isn't as general.

| >>675023
yea there are like 10 children in many many families there
have you spent time in Africa? have you talked to the families? have you seen how they live and what they believe? their sex education is shit. some of them have absolutely no idea how cumming inside a girl can actually knock her up and make a kid.
"i've seen it happen to people of all races".. yeah right... except it happens to most African families, especially in the Congo...
and yes, i'm racist.

| >>675040
>have you spent time in Africa? have you talked to the families? have you seen how they live and what they believe?

Have you?

| >>675041
sure bud, been to kinshasa years ago. the slums are full with families that live in fucking dirt and have 5 kids because they don't know any better. it's like a living rat hill. conditions are complete garbage, kids play with plastic bags, it's crazy. my personal conviction is that foreign aid in the form of cash just is 100% useless. you gotta aid the place structurally and educate the people, especially when it comes to reproduction.

| if you teach the africans techniques to work the land better, how to build tractors and shit, and especially house economics, about how if you shit out 5 kids your income is divided by 5 - sex education should be brought to africa with the goal to reduce its population. if the population on the continent was reduced by 50% tomorrow, you can be sure that like two thirds of the misery will be wiped out overnight.

| but of course, people want to do what "feels good" to do, not what is actually right to do. people will call you racist for saying this kind of shit yet they will never raise a single finger for the africans. i went because i wanted immigration into white countries from black countries to stop. humanitarian aid. most people that go to Europe don't really want to leave their families, but they live in misery, so they go in order to work cheap and send money back home.

| >>a19636
Who the hell asked for your opinion? Don't you have friends to talk to instead?

| a dream for some, but i don't believe that shit. and i don't believe the rando right winger who'll say "close the borders and stop giving a fuck about africa altogether". my opinion is that if you fix Africa's issues, they'll just stop coming because they don't need to anymore. it's not that i hate blacks, i hate em when they're in white countries

| >>675048
>>675041 asked me

| >>675000 dont really feel sorry for ya since you're stupid enough to not understand that sex without condom is really good.

| >>675048
Do you realize how pathetic you are?

| >>a19636 >>15fd35 >>99e57b
Obvious samefag is obvious

| >>675063
>i don't like having a piece of rubber between me and my loved ones either ;)
Nice one. Is that what you say to yourself before you go to sleep?
>when it wrecks a continent!
Well that's just retards being reatrds ain't it?

| >>675050

| >>675075
Still samefagging I see

| Let's face it, no one is ever ready in one way or another.

| Well at least we know that whenever someone backs up/defends a racist rant in the future it's just this tosser samefagging.

Dude, he posted one single word to your other ID and you got on the offense. You're not exactly subtle. No one else would do that unless it's you.

| Sex is cool and all, but if you dont plan to have kids, either wear condoms or do a vasectomy or something, parenting is hard and you can never be ready for everything but you can at least give the basics of food, water, some attention, love, education and culture

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