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Why some people think its ok to cheat?

| I dont get it, how can it be justifiable on ones mind to cheat? Its the scummiest thing to do to someone and they still manage to find a reason to have realationships wih someone else without it being an open relationship

| Who cares?

| I... Never even met a person that thinks that. Even people that actually do cheat usually recognize that it is scummy.

| I'm sure most of the people that are okay with cheating are manipulative and self-centred so in their shitty eyes it doest matter

| Some people seem to just think it's normal to treat partners like shit, i think from bad old posessive/marriage-ideology culture and bad new disposability/hookup culture coming together in an ugly way

| >>674942 ho boi that sure is horrofing

| >>714865
My ex kissed someone behind my back knowing fully well that loyalty is the only subject in a relationship that I don't even approve discussions about. Good thing she only kissed him.

She excused it as not being a real act of cheating because it had "no feelings in it".

It's hard for me to trust people who does that in general.

| >>674984 thats very sad, hope you will find someone better

| the idea of fucking one person all my life seems pretty boring to me

| >>675053
Spice it up by letting that one person fuck you instead.

| Then dont date, just do casual hookups, dont date some one just to get in their pants and don fuck somebody else unless you partner aprooves or you dont have a partner aka break up

| The same people who think relationships shouldn't have jealousy are those cheaters

| >>675088
Lolwut? Sounds like you're just making excuses for being a jealous person you tosser.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1593635354

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