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Gradually getting traumatized over avocados

| There's a fucking worm in my avocado. That's the 2nd avocado i opened with a worm on it. It crawled out of the salad i was eating. I can't look at the salad i was eating the same way.

| Im getting nauseous. I was eating that. Omg.

| Hey, bonus protein though. And all for free.

| >>673207 g OD no. My dad picked these avocados i dunno where he got them

| Same thing happened to me with chestnuts. I've seen a few of them with silkworms or something inside them so I stay away from them now

And mulberries, which is really a shame since I used to love them so much but after seeing a few worms on them I just cannot eat them without my body shivering at the though of a worm being in one. (Might be karma tho since when I was younger I used to pick them from my neighbours tree all the time and she would get pissed(

| Same thing with cherries from my garden.
Swarm of white little larvae inside everytime I choose one to bite.

Hey, if I wanted animal protein I'd get a nice beef part

| >>673276 >>673309 i feel so bad for both of u bc I RELATE. Just recalling how it looked like makes me sick im hhhh

| jesus christ where the fuck do you get your avocados from

| >>673355 local market, gurl.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1593177407

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