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I feel empty

| Part/1

I'm 18 yo and I feel like my life have been cursed since the day I was born. I grew up in a poor family. My father abandoned us when I was a baby and my mom went to jail when I was 7, so basically my grandma took care of me and my bro. For these reasons and many more, I was always a very quiet and lonely child, being the focus of harassment for the school bullies. But all that’s behind me, now I’m a man about to enter the adult stage and I feel so confused...

| Part/2

I have no purpose in life, nothing that makes my heart beat. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a dead man walking on the streets just letting the time pass. Every time a look the mirror, I only see a stranger and that's make me feel a terrible pain in the guts.

| Part/3

I just wanna smile and be happy, like all the people I know. Be a useful member of society and not only a scumbag that the only thing he can do is getting drunk to forget all the pain for a momentI know this shit I just wrote doesn’t matter to anyone, but I just wanted liberate my chest from all these feelings

(I’m sorry about my shitty English.)

| Hey OP, this stuff does matter to someone. I think it's good that you've put all this out there.
It's a tough spot to be in, but certainly not an unusual one. Most people have this point in their lives where they feel like a waste, and probably a lot of those happy smiling people feel like that too, they're just hiding it away.. probably like you do in front of them.

| Just because you feel without a purpose doesn't mean you actually are without a purpose, it just means that you haven't found it yet. You're 18.. that's not old. You've got a hell of a lot of time ahead of you, and a lot of it is time you'll find your purpose in.
Most people don't know what they're doing at your age, and those that do usually change it within a few years.
Life's a mess, and it'll take some time to figure it out, but you just have to stick at it.

| Point is that you've got a lot of time ahead of you to find a purpose, and thinking your life is cursed is just silly. You've had some low moments, sure, but you're letting the fog of sadness block out all the good ones, and all the good things inside of you.

| Idk what it is, but something just tells me you're a decent enough guy. You just need to start moving in the right direction and get past this feeling. Spend some time working on yourself, just doing little things to make you happy, or at least less sad, and use that momentum to keep going forward until you're stable and feel fine. You won't even notice it happening, but slowly and surely you'll feel better.

| You're not a watse OP, and you shouldn't feel empty either. It's a beautiful life out there, you just haven't had a chance to see it yet.

| >>665517 Thanks for these heartwarming words. I cant talk about my feelings with anyone so this helped me a lot.

| >>5fe6f1 No worries OP. If nothing else I'm always here to give random advice on /u/

- Z

| you know what happens when you apply immense amounts of pressure to carbon for a long amount of time? you get diamond.

| >>be0a78 And diamond is unbreakable

| >>665998
indeed, in fact when i compare diamond to my own testicles, i observe that your ruthlessly disgusting ID-quoting has managed to break my balls when in turn it would leave the hard diamond completely unharmed.


| >>667098
hey OP i'm on your team

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1591545575

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