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Hey g/u/rls, is it normal to hate yourself?

| I just have this sudden waves of "oh boy i really hate myself" especially when I'm alone
Maybe I should see a doctor

| Maybe just try letting everything out. Cry it out or so. Self-deprecation isn't good to continue doing and you probably would want to find help by going to therapy. I'm deep in self-deprecation and it sucks. I just always feel like everything I do is so aimless or purposeless. I can't push myself to reach out to others without it being anonymous most of the time. Feeling so hopeless about yourself sucks. Don't let yourself fall down that hole.

| Yes if it's for a valid reason.

| >>7c330c There is no valid reason to hate yourself. Anything that's wrong in your world can be fixed so long as there's breath in your lungs.

| >>665360
How can i fix my shitty attitude to my grandma before she died? She had two suicide attempts, both times i saved her, she died shortly after the second one. I had to sit on her and hold her arms and legs with all my weight after the second time, and listen for 41 minute her begging me to kill her. It took 41 minute for ambulance and my mother to arrive.
I have some breath in my lungs. Please tell me.

| >>665365
exactly, how can you fix it. you can't since it's done. hate yourself not just for a reason, but for a purpose.
it's useless to hate yourself in this situation since you cannot do anything about it now.
but if you want to hate yourself, go ahead, it won't do anything though.

| temporarily it's OK.
just don't make that a habit, it's not useful.

| Yeah and the insecurity that underlies your hatred is the natures way to push you towards improvement, the problem is that sometimes the things that cause your insecurity is out of your control thus impossible to fix. So you live in a state of constant hatred/anger that will eventually consume you

| >>665382
I don't care much.

| >>665365 Even though you can't fix the actions you took at this point, you can fix your perspective on them. Fix the way you saw your attitude and your relationship. Choose to accept how you were for what it was, or alternatively choose to let it drive you to be better than you were in the future.

Life is just a series of mistakes that we make, you only win at life by choosing to learn from those mistakes rather than dwell on them.

| Yes it's normal. We're with ourselves 24/7, and it makes it harder to love ourselves when we're fully aware of our flaws, imperfections, mistakes and shortcomings. It's normal to hate yourself but please don't dwell on that feeling. We're our own worse critic after all.

| >>7c330c
I think both of us should see a doctor

| Sadly it is, and yeah, seeing a doctor is good.

| I dunno, I just feel so hopeless ya know
Things only seem to change for the worse...

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1591310234

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