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Would you step on stuart litle


| For 0 monetary units, with pleasure

| No

| Imagine being a kid at the orphanage and a talking mouse got adopted instead of u

| Only if he likes it ;)

| sensually

| reminds me of the post where op claims to be the human wife of stuart little

| no he is kind of nice

| >>51facc what

| no, wtf

| Hell no

| Does stepping on Stuart Little have the legal consequences of killing a mouse or killing a person?

| I hated his voice so... Bye Stuart "^^

| Only if he has the plague. We need a real pandemic.

| >>653326
You are doing the world a favour, why would there be any consequences

| >>653539
"Cool Motive. Still Murder."

| >>653685
Then you could say that Stuart little was a terrorist or something

| >>653716
It's still murder homie.

| >>bd6caa
I don't see any problem with it

| >>653853
Unless you can prove self defense or something like that, it's still jail time for a civilian. So unless SL is considered a mouse by the law, you enjoy Jail.

| Only if I could do his human mom

| >>5caec3
Only if someone finds out that you killed him.
I mean,even if SL isn't considered as a mouse by the law,he is still a mouse,I don't even think that someone would miss him(or notice that he is dead).
And besides that,mice can be killed by a lot of things,no one will try to search him,you just have to yeet his corpse into a trash bin.

| >>653924
All of that seems to apply just as much to humans, right ?

| >>653962
I don't think you could hide a human in a bin, but yes.

| >>653890 what if he tried to run you over with his red sportscar? Is it considered self defense to step on him when he hit you with his tiny ass car?

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1589201311

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