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Was it for the best?

| I really done know, they're heart broken.

Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing now.

| wHat diD YoU Do?
[context needed]

| Shit could have been worse.
Just remember that for everything that happened, it's for the best.
So hang in there, anon. (not literally)

| >>636260
Told my parents that I'm not religious anymore

Extra context:
They're extremely religious, like it's what their entire lives revolve around

| >>70820d ah what did they tell you?

| So why aren't you religious anymore?

| Were you the same g/u/rl who made a thread about this before? I feel bad for you, but uhh, now's probably a terrible time to be telling your parents that what with the global pandemic and all.

| >>636864
what's done's done, don't blame OP for that plz ;_;

OP, if they're really "religious" why does it bother them ?

Believing is not something you do blindly... despite what the word means !
It could only mean that, for now, the way you must take is not known to you. Religious or not, it happens to all.

Allow them to be heart broken <3
Not believing does not make you any less lovable.
Just understand that undoing lies is always painful.
But people forgive.

| Damn. Good luck homie. Some people take things like religion a little too far and see it as the only thing that matters, but if they are even just half-decent parents they will overcome this and appreciate and love you even if you don't have the same views as them.

| >>636630
Had a long tearful chat afterwards, lots of dissapointment and what not.
I just couldn't continue following with something I didn't believe I guess, like I've been going to church my entire life and I've just grown out of it?
Probably, I did make a thread about wanting to tell them before, and yeah I know... It just kinda happened, I've been wanting to tell them for so long and it just kind came out in the middle of an argument

| >>636870
They're just super mortified, they never thought it'd even be possible for me to doubt their faith.

| >>636916
Things calmed down from all the tears and stuff now, but it feels so awkward, we haven't said a word about it since, kinda just pretending everything is normal...

It's quite painful...

| >>70820d i think the shock would still be crazy for them because you don't believe over something they revolved their life upon.

But i honestly think it's better that you're honest with them. Atleast both of you are in the same page no matter how hard it is. Yes it's hard but keeping quiet abt it is just avoiding the real issue.

I'm sorry you're going through this, g/u/rl. It's not easy, but transparency is always the best way to grow in life and your relationship with them.

| Little lost sheep come home

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1584745561

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