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How to understand music?

| People always have a deeper connection with music and I wanted to ask how? I try to grt lyrics but always had a trouble with having them completely relate; so im curious on how you people do it.

| Just... listen to music?? Listen widely. Find music that you like. It's not really something you develop consciously, I feel.

If lyric isn't your thing, then maybe it's just not your thing. 99% of the time for me I never pay attention to lyrics. I'm a melody g/u/rl. But everyone's different

| >>99d35c I suppose I understand; I personally just need to have the time to listen to albulms fully, rather than just whatever music just i just find

| >>633620
Then do that. If that's how you get meaning from music, do it that way. It's different for everyone.

| Op must not be human if they can't get music.

| >>633635
Lowkey thought this was going to be about music theory (and was going to totally relate), but this is just weird, yeah.

| >>633667
How is it weird? I relate a lot to OP. I used to not listen to music and all and the few times I did I just didn't really get or understand it. Didn't really see the appeal until after a long time I found something that could make me feeling something and I could relate to.

| >>633668 Thanks, thats nice hearing after being called weird, I think I am slowly finding my stride in music, starting to listen to more out of the norm stuff than my usual gaming and popular songs.

| to understand music you have to like music for the music, not for its context (your friends like it, it's popular, etc.). that's pretty much it tbh. lyrics analysis can be a part of it but it is never necessary.

| >>633680
Well most of the music I end up liking I started liking because of their association with my friends. But yeah, eventually I just like them for what they are.

Just saying it's valid if you like a piece of music for the context. You shouldn't force yourself to listen to something you don't like though.

| >>633680 I see what you mean that listening to music because you enjoy it so it is part of your life is part of it, but i think it's that being part of life that makes it meaningful. Those contexts you said may not be enough, but i think most of people having the deeper connections with music is related to context: they enjoy it through dancing, they feel that it's emotionally resonant with their experience at a time, they associate it with particular memories or moods or people

| >>633854
Kind of, but not really. I have some songs that I probably wouldn't be that attached to if it wasn't for the context I listened to it in, but most of the stuff I listen to I resonante with because of the type of music and the lyrics.

| I don't know if I get music or not. I like listening to meaningful lyrics like a lot of punk songs have but at the same time I enjoy Japanese songs despite not knowing a word of it. I like both jumping around to bumping tunes like ska but at the same time sitting around moaning to sad emo songs.

I guess I experience it via my emotions but I dunno if that counts as "understanding" songs when I have no grasp or talent for music theory

| >>634367
Nah, g/u/rl, that's perfectly valid.

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