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Is it weird I'm staying optimistic that we'll survive the coronavirus?

| Again, I know it sounds weird, and precautions important... Yet I just feel not extremely worried about this

| I definitely think society will survive, but a lot of older or sick people will suffer a lot. Really I'm more worried about what people will do than the actual disease. My guess now is that it'll be the new chicken pox, everyone gets it but if you get it when you're young it's probably fine

| It might be more like a particularly strong flu. From what I understand. Though I have heard that it has a particularly high rate of hospitalization around 20%? Which in itself would practically destroy the U.S. economy if it just swept through hospitalizing millions.

| The problem is less about how it affects individuals, but that there might not be hospital capacity to properly deal with the sick people on top of the people who are already sick from the normal diseases, thus increasing the mortality rate. That's why China made the big deal with speed constructing a new hospital.

| Why would we not survive it?

| Here is something to note, the time when people who contract it start showing symptoms is around 2-4 weeks later, so it's super easy to spread unknowingly and the virus is super effective against anybody with a weaker health system (not just older people, previous cancer patients or with similar issues are also at risk). So while won't kill some super healthy people, it can certainly be easily spread and kill a lot of others since it's not uncommon to see survivors of other stuff.

| Here is something to note, the time when people who contract it start showing symptoms is around 2-4 weeks later, so it's super easy to spread unknowingly and the virus is super effective against anybody with a weaker health system (not just older people, previous cancer patients or with similar issues are also at risk). So while won't kill some super healthy people, it can certainly be easily spread and kill a lot of others since it's not uncommon to see survivors of other stuff.

| A virus that will be lethal to mostly the weaker portion of the population and those that are too retarded to properly disinfect?
Gee wilickers, that does sound rather close to the stuff I've read in my biology books about evolution.

| It's easily avoided by being a decent human being who practices proper sanitation. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. News focus on the infected but doesnt really cover those who have already recovered. Idk i think it's more important to focus on what triggered it. By that i mean, why tf are they eating bizarre shit and why aren't they stopping.

| >>632739 uh, it's infectious. People aren't catching it because they eat pangolins, even if that theory of how it started is true

>>632737 maybe if we were dealing with coronaviruses for 10,000 years. Microbes evolve faster than us so it's not like we'll ever be rid of them by evolving protections. Medicine exists for a reason

| I was about to mention the pangolin part as well, but it might give the population (pangolins') a chance to thrive hopefully since they're nearing extinction

| I feel the same. We're gonna be alright. It is sad that there are people dying and suffering from it, but most people are gonna be fine.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1583541107

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