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Tips on having long lasting conversations?

| Sometimes I meet people online and also irl who I want to be friends with and we talk for a bit and everything seems to be going well then I send one last response to whatever they said via text and then I never get a response from them again and I'm not the kind of person who will go asking why they are not responding. I don't get people they just ghost you for no reason even if there is no problem.

| get drunk, be interesting, go deep

| They ghost you because you are not attractive enough for them

| Probably because they have nothing substantial to reply. Poke them with something else if you want to keep talking.

I'm def guilty of this kind of ghosting. Also sometimes I just gotta go and instead of saying gtg like a decent human being, I just leave and then forgot about the convo.

| Ask them questions. Questions about themselves work best, especially if they start talking about their problems. Make sure you ask something that they can give an opinion about so you have a response afterwards. When in doubt, try to get them to talk.

This only works before the conversation dies. After that, it gets harder to resurrect the longer it goes on.

| >>615122 the longer the silence goes on, that is

| I'd ghost you just because you don't want to shut up. There are people who just can't, but people who willingly don't want to are even worse.
Relationship works, when you both can sit in silence and feel comfortable. And if it does not work, don't push it.
I have a pan pal whom I've met a decade ago on some web forum, and we exchange letters like once in 1.5 months.

| >>615330
Grandma, this is the eleventh time you've talked about your pansexual pal this week. Nowadays we don't need to send letters to communicate with people.

| I have the problem with overwhelming people with way too much conversation. I'm more of the opposite. I need to learn how to make small talk, especially IRL.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1578625985

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