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I think I've just had a wave of completely lost hope.

| everything feels meaningless
feel like I cannot achieve anymore
thinking is starting to give me headaches

| Kys then, fgt

| Therapy and a break from your regular life should help.

| Everything is meaningless. But what does it matter? Go on and live your life, it is your responsibility to be happy. You are allowed to feel sad, it's ok.

| you dont get used to the feeling

| >>612808 then what do???

| >>612812
i dont know. im pretty convinced all hope for a good life for me is forfeit and there was never really anything i couldve done in life to make it better.

youd probably be best to try therapy. why do you feel hopeless?

| >>612819 I'm about to graduate from HS but I act and think like a 12 year old. I know I'm not ready for the world, since I'm so gullible and needy. I have some sort of mental problem (not a psych so I ain't even gonna bother naming it) and I have no friends because I'm fucking boring and awkward. My fam is so ashamed of me they're in denial and just keep treating me like a kid. They don't have the money to deal with it anyway. Sorry for the mess, it's hard to think for me.

| >>612819 it's hard for me to express myself since I lose focus and I just want the world to stop. I don't like people being physically near me when I feel bad. It just makes me want to lash out. It makes me feel trapped. Maybe because of my weird childhood idk. Now I'm realizing what people expect of women too and how shallow guys tend to be and i just feel so scared. Like they'll pretend they love you and whatnot just to fuck you... And I realize that the reason I didn't know this

| >>612819 till now was that I'm ugly. So guys just pretended I didn't exist or made fun of me by "asking me out". I'm just alone and no one will understand me.

proof enema can

| Sorry again for just pouring all this shit out...... I always do thi

| Not sure how "ugly" you really are, but I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there is always someone out there for you. Don't just assume you won't interest anyone because you haven't found someone that does. I'm in a somewhat similar spot when it comes to uni and crap, personally, just learned to do what I can and not care about anything else. You'd have done your best and all the different influencing currents that also exist, you can't control, so just let them go.

| Also, I'm sure it's more of a cultural thing, but I'd say as a guy, I have a lot more pressure on me to succeed since I will be expected to care for my future wife and kids and maybe a business. It's all a big burden, but try to look past what everyone else wishes of you and see what you would personally want.

| >>612822
feelings of being immature or not ready for the world are pretty relatable. the feeling weighs down on you right now, and i know i felt similarly coming out of high school. it wasnt until after college that i began rapidly developing useful world knowledge and learning how to function around other people.

feelings like that have a way of working themselves out. you just need to be thrown in the right situation.

| as far as being unattractive, and guys being shitty, i dunno what to tell you. people suck. but as long as your sexuality isnt a dead end, 12th grade is too soon to give up finding someone who will fuck you and still be by your side the next morning.

even if you feel hopeless, basically you have a lot of time and opportunities yet to find someone, even if it feels sometimes like it'll never happen for you

| OP, I was a messed up lonely weirdo for 22 years before I found someone I clicked with. Don't think it's too late for you, either. Sometimes the person you love and who loves you just happens to be born far away, like in my case. And when we first met, they hated my guts. Now we've been together for 2 years.

Don't give up on everyone preemptively, that's arrogance. And don't give up on yourself. The future is unknown, and you're better every day than you were yesterday.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1577153971

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