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delete discord

| delete discord

| Bruh, it just came back up.

| lmao

| >>610354 It's reopen you doofus and that has been like 2 months already.

The Discord server has gotten so big that it got hostile. I would post gachashit and chat and get ghost pinged with someone insulting me everyday, mods didn't care, he's still around being a dick to whoever he wants and lets not forget our beloved emoji spam that only makes the discussion quality go low.

You'll see people outside and inside of danger/u/ saying how terrible the server is like this one

| >>610383
Homie, he said 'delete discord'. Not all of Discord is the fucking /u/ server. While I've never been there, it sounds cancerous. Leaving that server and leaving Discord are two very different things though.

| >>610403 Yea, You actually have to uninstall it, then run CCleaner to get rid of the registrry keys, then Malwarebytes to get rid of CCleaner, then go outside.

| >>610410
That's actually a good idea. Imma do that.

| >>610411 you got this g/u/rl

| Agreed. Danger/u/'s discord a shit, and discord as a whole is a shit. Stopped using it a while ago, never looking back.

| >>610410 if you don't use Windows you don't have to clean the windows registry

| I will delete /u/

| >>610477 yea, but, like, who does that?

| tell me about the shit that happens in the /u/ server

| >>610489 I mean your phone, everyone else's phone, all the nerds running Linux, servers running bad/Linux, the embedded devices running Linux/bsd, game consoles running bsd, and all the poor souls using osx

This message brought to you by Linux gang we're everywhere you just don't realize it

| >>610520
I use OSX :(

| >>610383

lol who's ghost pinging you and insulting you everyday.

| >>610520 I built my own computer with 4 8-bit processors I daisy-chained together and programmed the entire operating system IN MACHINE LANGUAGE, so don't me how special you are, you elitist Unix abortion.


| >>610609 but is the resolution 640x480?

| >>610531 I have a MacBook pro too; I'm never going to call it macos it's osx damn it!

Also Apple just killed like 80% of the steam games because they disabled 32 bit support for no good reason, they've had a lot of security blunders in the last year or so like being able to log into root without a password even over remote desktop

That's why I say poor souls, because I'm one of them :(

| On a serious note, I wish discord would let people use alt clients instead of being so anal about them, like for real.

| >>610620 640x400... I ran out of VRAM that I braided from my pubic hairs, so yea, I ran out of pubes and that's why.

| >>610663 God won't be happy you couldn't keep his convenient, like circumcision

| >>610685 God can suck it... I mean, how great would that be? If God gave the best head ever?

| prefetcher is just laughing as you whiny fuckers whine about discord

| >>610383 jesus christ stfu you actual pussy

>>611400 lmao ikr

| >>611433 hi momoka, still there harassing people?

>>611400 thats the problem, people complain about toxicity and yet prefetcher is most likely just laughing it off in their discord, they don't see the problem because they don't give a shit.
also, i'd suggest these people to join the va-11 hall-a discord or create their own unofficial server at this point

| VA-11 Hall-A server is comf af.


| i don't even visit the discord 90% of the time lol

| >>611439

>leave danger u dicksword its too toxic

>lets go to the official valhalla dicksword

bruh i have some bad news for you...

| These Discord g/u/rls need to furrack off with their Discord drama. This textboard is a comf zone. If you don't bring either a boyfriend for us to share, or something comfy, go back to the Discord.

| The drama is mostly gone now that some notable names and troublesome characters are moving away or have been kicked

I can vouch for its peacefulness if not it's comfiness

- yu-no

| I thought it was just e-girls talking about how high their lesbian powerlevel is. I lurk there from time to time.

Momoka is just a troll. Literally she just shitposts all the time with the sole intent of bothering someone.

It's your fault for taking her seriously (:

| >>611480
>SheS A trOlL So Its TotAlly Fine FOr heR to Be A FUckiNG AsshOLe

Shut the fuck up Momoma stop trying to act like you did nothing wrong

| okay but what did momoka do

| Momoma is Momoka's sister and she stole my peepee!

| >>611486

lol u mad

| >>611439 >>611486 *sees anyone with differing opinions* MoMoKa HUuUuUUuUuUuRrRRrRrR

| >>611439 and i mean yea its kinda what I do, i yell at people calling them retards if they post things in the wrong category.

| >>611494 >>611501 >>611502 lmao quit defending yourself already momoka, being "le troll" doesn't mean that you are exempt from following the rules, you should have been banned already actually. also, stop calling your friends to defend your unfunny ass.

| >>611509 bub, dont know who this momoka retard is but you sound just as bad as him if your shouting about "rules". Do you even get the point of this website? Get the fuck up and go outside.

| noam 2000

| locking because y'all can't behave

| >>611555 as an outsider to this bullshit, they're taking about discord not this website, and you sound rather sweaty yourself

| >>611569 you arent wrong, the whole momoka retard shit just baffles me, I've no idea who this person is yet I'm being labeled as them

| Momoka fucked my dad

| why would u even use that furry laden spyware in the first place lol

| >>611600 for anime tittie

| >>611571 ok momika

| oh lets not talk about momika, she'd make fun of my peepee all day!

| Momoka says fuck trans rights

Total number of posts: 50, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1576492373

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