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Vent thread

| Like the title says, let all your frustrations here

| Why the fuck are people bitching about GGStrive even after all the goddamn advanced gameplay from Max or Woolie?! Like god fucking damn, is it really so fucking hard to look behind Xrd and see that there were other games in the series that it draws inspiration from? Bitch, Strive has more in common with XX, but noooooo, it's not GG unless it's fucking Xrd. I get that new gatling will be unfamiliar, but we've seen shit in the new demo that shows real depth, it's just in a different

| place, you can't expect them to re-release the same fucking game all the time. I feel like it's great that Daisuke still has a drive for revolution and change, it keeps things from going stale which, in all honesty, FGS was. Recently there's been a new generation of FGs pushing it further into mainstream, and with even Riot Games trying to bite on it, it's bound to crack through. I say, give it time, and see how it pans out

| Nicotine is such a double edged sword. I'm so fucking glad I have it so I can use it to relax when I'm anxious or give me a bit of happiness when I have none. I can't quit it though. I know quitting it is what I should do, and it's best for me, and the earlier I quit the easier it is to quit, but I can't fucking quit. For one, I really do need it for when I'm feeling horrible, and secondly, it's just addictive and it completely destroys me when I go too long without any.

| I'm also terrified of the withdrawals. I have felt how it is to go almost an entire day without it and how it affects me when I consume very little of it. I get physically sick, I feel absolutely fucking horrendous and it amplifies the mental problems I'm trying to counteract. I'm slowly but surely working on my mental health, but if I stopped consuming nicotine it would ruin all my fucking progress and people don't realise that. It's not that fucking easy!

| I'm trying to cut caffeine right now, and just that is a fucking struggle, but I'm doing it. Can't the progress I'm making on that be enough for now? Isn't that enough? I'm working on both my mental health and caffeine addiction! I'm already working so fucking hard and now they want me to work on getting rid of an addiction, like, 90% of people never even come close to getting rid of? Are you kidding me? I'll work on it later, but I'm not strong enough right now! Fuck off!

| >I'm slowly but surely working on my mental health, but if I stopped consuming nicotine it would ruin all my fucking progress and people don't realise that.

This sounds like bullshit. People doesn't work this way and you're obviously overreacting.

| >>608501
Well, yes. I am over exaggerating, but it's partly true. Have you ever experienced withdrawals from something like nicotine? It drains you completely from energy, makes every bad feeling you have even worse, it causes anxiety, increases stress, can legit make you depressed, and it's physically painful. Like, it actually fucking hurts, and not just a little. That will make me feel really bad again now that I'm finally starting to feel better for the first time in months.

| >>608510 aren't there nicotine plasters for that kinda stuff? At the very least don't spread the poison to others through second-hand smoking.
On another note I just want to say that it's admirable that you are willing to improve yourself. While I may not know you, the fact that you do put work into it tells me that you are strong enough to work through it all. Stay strong, King, and good luck.

| >>608514
Those plasters/patches seem shady as fuck. I don't want something giving me nicotine through my skin, that's fucked. I don't really get how I'm spreading anything to others, but sure.

Thanks bro. I appreciate it.

| I hate anime, but only hentai and doujinshi can get me off.

| everyone always assumes I'm into anime because I use anime style avatars online and when I tell them I'm not into anime they act offended like it's some kind of weeb form of stolen valor.

Like g/u/rl I'm not trying to lead you on or anything I just like cute pictures because they reflect my cute personality

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1574832707

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