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So apparently I am a Natural Leader

| I don't even bring in orders, just tell my mates what they should do and they just feel compelled to do it even though I don't actually manage anything.

Whenever someone feels demotivated I just try my best to motivate them to do their best.

One of my mates walked in and told me that I am a Natural Leader, cool. I always felt I was best suited as a Leader.

How about the g/u/rls, are you also someone who feels like they are best suited to be the Leader, or the Follower?

| I'm leader for sure, but it's not really something I've chosen. I just care about the people around me and want to get stuff done, so since most of the people around me are kind of shy and don't know how to get stuff done, I kind of have to choose that role. While it is a little stressful at times, it seems to make people happy, which is what I want.

| I'm more of a follower guy. Can't take the initiative for the life of me, but I'm okay at following orders, definitely don't have any problems taking them.

| I used to be the leader but I grew tired of responsibility over time and now I keep to myself and don't really communicate that much

| >Cheer Leader*

| I do best solo. I can work in teams very well, and either lead or work towards a common goal, but I really shine when I get to work by myself.

| I used to always be a "co-leader" in whatever groups I'd be in. I more or less called the shots with my "partner" and he'd relay the message. They wouldn't listen to me but they'd listen to him which he'd listen to me.

| you seems like a natural faggot to me

| >>608295 that sounds more accurate

>>608314 I also do mostly stuff solo when I cannot find anyone competent for my projects

>>608372 kill yourself momoka

| I Like to Capitalize Random Words too.

| >>608390 I love Sex

| >>608393 god fucking dammit, not again

| I just do better than them.


| I can't do anything in groups. I can't even do something solo when someone is near me.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1574781170

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