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feeling like shit danger fam

| my mom just told me I'm a fuck up.

| I believe her.

| Well are you just going to sit here and take that?

| Ah, that sucks. Was there a reason, like just angry in the moment? Sometimes it's best to wait until emotions have died down to talk.

| >>17ba84 lol

| That must hurt a lot. I'm sorry.

| >>600487
That's rough, g/u/rl.
My advice is to get out of that house and follow your passions, and keep us posted!

| >>600487 yo bro you've got a shit toxic mom then
A true mom will always love you whoever you are

| >>600716
My mom rolled a d1 trying to call me a fuck up and instead apologizing for being a bad parent and raising me badly. Feelsbadman

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1570470666

This thread is permanently archived