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Nothing ever happens in my life

| I feel empty because nothing much has happened to me. Conflicts are never anyone's fault but my own. It feels like I've been dealt a great hand and have no fucking clue how to play it (and no clue on how to get a clue in the first place). It's incredibly demotivating.


| lol

| Get gud

No really, there is a better life for you waiting. Pretend to be confident in yourself and it'll change to actual confidence.

Then use that confidence to do what makes you happy. And dont mope around in the self pity pits for too long or you'll over indulge and become a cretin.

Much love, reformed degenerate

| In the end, we have a lot of time and not all that much to do, it seems.
Set goals for yourself. The point of the goal you pick should not be to get something you don't want to do done, but to give yourself something concrete to work towards. The reason they put achievements in video games is to give you a goal and a reason to play; give yourself a goal and a reason to live. If you can't think of a goal, look at the problems in your life and that should help you find one.

| I have an exercise for you, OP.
Imagine that you are fucking dead right now, and your children are about to read your obituary, how would you want that to look.
>Here lies gurl, she was a loving person who helped anyone who asked. She owned a restaurant and never let a hungry person leave without their fill. She loved the beach and her sea house is now full of grandchildren who will forever be thankful for the personshe was and the lessons she taught them.
Something like that.

| Then go out there and make things happen.
Life's not like hero stories, nothing will happen if you don't take action

| Thanks for the sincere answers.
>>579923 Encouraging
>>579934 Gamify life, got it
>>580018 Useful exercise

So the advice I hear is to identify a goal, and complete it. Advice on how to stay committed to a goal without either losing interest or being distracted by a new goal? I have things I'm good at and enjoy doing, but they translate into many things I could do with them, how do I pick and stick?

| Go out get drunk punch people! Things will happen to you, they may not be good but they'll happen. Life is a gamble and nothing happens if everything happens to you while you're sitting on a chair.

| >>580059 depends, the guy who saved the world did so by sitting on a chair and deciding not to warn his country of a possible nuke attack
If he had acted and warned his superiors, we'd be living in fallout

| Don't sit in chairs unless I'm a nuclear lookout, got it

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1563400395

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