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Where my drug fam at?

| Anybody else here into drugs? What kinds? What's your favorite drugs & drug combos? Have any cool or scary experiences? Let's talk about it.

Personally my favorite drug combo so far was dextroamphetamine (dexedrine) mixed with cannabis, it put me into this really stimulated but also really creative and clear at the same time, and I was at a rave when I did it, and the music was just fucking amazing. Never danced harder in my life, had an absolutely amazing time.

| I drop acid about one weekend a month, sometimes mixed with cannabis.

Usually I'm against mixing drugs but a low dose of MDMA or cannabis with my psychedelics is usually fine.

I tend to play computer games, take walks in nature or stare at the sky or a body of water. Every summer I also go to "forest parties" and dance for a few nights but I'll skip this summer.

| While I've never had a bad trip I once had a less enjoyable one than usual when I took 250ug while I had a fever coming on. I wasn't aware I was getting sick so I thought it was just the trip messing with me. I was fatiqued and took forever to understand what people was typing to me. After laughing at this percieved nonsense this finish woman was telling me I left the computer and sat down with my eyes closed and just went with the flow and tried to feel as much as possible.

| >>572046 cont
What I saw then was a near endless sea of sadness within me that I wasn't really aware of before. After experiencing it for a short while various faces of beautiful women started popping up and they all made faces trying to cheer me up. It didn't work and I saw trough them as not real and all empty inside. This led to the faces becoming zombies and cyborg zombies and other dead/fake beings. It wasn't until a face looking like Dorothy made a face in sn effort to tell-

| >>572047
-me a personal joke I can't explain that I cheered up. I found it so funny I started laughing out loud. Afterwards the face of a half rotten undead female samurai cyborg stuck in my mind and it wasn't unpleasant at all. I thouht for a while about why her image didn't bother me and why I even found her pleasant. It was then that I allowed myself to accept that I have a lot of sadness in my life and that I never hang out with women anymore like I used to a few years back.

| >>572049 Wow, that's a very interesting trip story! I'm pretty inexperienced with psychedelics myself sadly, I'd love to try more of them. The one time I ever took a "psychedelic" was before I really knew anything about them, and I was told that what I had was LSD, but looking back, with as much as I know now about how different certain drugs can feel, I'm pretty sure I got nBOME'd. I never tested what I had so there's no way for me to know, but I'm fairly certain it wasn't acid.

| That trip ended up being a trauma trip for me, things just kept going from bad to worse. I was with two of my friends in the basement of my friend's grandma's house in a city which I didn't know anybody else (already a bad setting) and I lost my touch on what was real and what wasn't. I kept seeing multiples of my friends doing different things and I didn't know which ones were real, and I got stuck in thoughtloops which had me walking around in circles like a tweaker.

| At one point, I had decided I needed to get a reaction out of my friends in order to determine which ones were real, so I started acting out in ways I normally never would. I would push them, punch them, call them names, all in order to try and force a reaction from them, because I knew if they reacted that they were real and that was my grounding point. I became a real asshole because I was scared that I'd lost my sanity (it was my first trip, I had no idea what to expect(

| I ended up crawling on my friend and pissing my pants while telling him to help me, refusing to sleep while they tried to give me melatonin, and at one point I must have passed out for a second because I woke up in an all-white room with a mirror, and I watched my pupils explode into millions of fractals before waking up, and at one point we were outside and I was walking up the stairs to his deck when I fell down them (this actually happened, I have the scar on my lower back).

| I felt like I was falling down stairs for all of eternity in a black void, before landing on my back on the ground and looking up into the starless night sky, I saw this giant hole in the universe, a tear or rip in reality which shook me to the core, and I realized that that hole, that void, was inside me somewhere, that I was missing something.

I ended up breaking my phone, throwing around his grandparents patio furniture, breaking their fence which I later paid for...it was bad.

| I ended up in the road and my friend called the cops on me, at which poing an ambulance promptly came to pick me up, which is when reality slowly started to come back to me. The cops asked me to empty my pockets, and I had a knife in there which I forgot I had which freaked everyone out for a second, but I lost my phone (my friends were also tripping and I later found out one friend got super paranoid that he'd be blamed for me losing my mind if I did so he broke my phone)

| (In order to not have me linked back to them) and my wallet (my other friend kept that for safekeeping) and so I later "woke up" (I don't actually think I slept but whatever they pumped me with in order to make me stop tripping blacked out my memory for a bit, likely benzodiazepines) in the hospital with no phone, no wallet, no recollection of where I was and nobody to contact to try and get home. I ended up logging into my Twitter on the hospital computer to talk to my friend.

| I got his address back from him and the hospital gave me a free bus pass to make it there, so after all of this, still in pee-soaked clothes, I hopped the bus back to my friend's house. My friends asked me "Did you have fun?" And I said "Hell no! That was traumatizing! One of the worst experiences of my life!" And they forgave me after that for all the shit I put them through and were chill with me afterwards. I took a bath and cried and prompty hopped the train back home.

| Moral of the story:
-Always test your drugs
-Always know what you're getting yourself into
-Always prepare yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally, and
-Always have someone you trust nearby in case things go to shit

I am interested in doing psychedelics again after...wow, 2 years almost, but I would never do them so foolishly and brazenly like that ever again. I will always treat them with the respect they deserve from here on out.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1560932022

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