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| Especially with lolis, they are now scared from all the toxicity from the last days

| It's a temporary truce, don't forget, I'll be edgy again in a couple weeks

| i saw a loli on a train and i got a hard on

| kk

| k

| kkk is out for your ass niga.

| Kkkkkkkkkkk I'm laughing in Brazilian

| i fucking love every motherfuckers in this shithole you fuckers

| Not so wholesome anymore,still somewhat not too toxic.

| >>571703 >>571781 just got to spread those positive vibes and comf around. Sure the edgy and toxic people are going to come and go but,atleast we can try and be comf and positive together and maybe cheer them up too!

| >>571816


| Also to be wholesome and kind with yourself. Love yourself and people will love you more.

| I'm nearing the breaking point please stop pushing me like this....
it is too hard avoiding edgyness with such a fake fabricated "wholesomeness"

| >>571832
Your existing edginess doesn't let you see that there's no need for our wholesomeness to be fake and fabricated. We're anonymous here, so we can feel free to act as sweet and caring as we without being embarrassed by it.

| as we want*

| >>571922 sorry but when the "comfy police" comes and orders you to be wholesome it IS forced and fake

| >>571927 comfy police! Stop talking about comfy police!

| >>571927
FUCK them, I can be wholesome if I wanna.

| Witness thee the duality of man! On one hand, the edge lords; the other, the comfy police. Yet they are both necessary to balance each other! Without edge, there would be no comf; without comf, there would be no edge. If one were to look closely, this scenario would come down to a divide we all know: BURG and ANGRY BURG.

ALL on danger/u/ hangs in the sublime balance of /burg/.
>drubs johns winos

| Yay, comfy police!

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1560931998

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