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I'm gonna crack

| Today has been an awful fucking day and I just woke up :°)
I need something to cheer up but everything I try to turn to is gone :'°)

| There's always computers, grab your favorite editor(I recommend Vim or NeoVim) an go make them codes
Brute force hacking, AI, Hello World, a website, a virus, 3D sodescrolling first person turn based strategy RPG! You CPU and your RAM are the limits

| Or just fill your empty heart with hardcore porn

| If you have dual monitors you can do both >>567512 and>>567548

| >>567960
>dual monitors
Well look at miss moneybags over here.

| >>d9e7f7
>3D sodescrolling first person turn based strategy RPG
I spent a good minute trying to imagine how this game would play.

| >>568258
We need to skip side scrolling to make this work.

| >>568258 it's like a Dungeon crawler, but you're a crab, so you can only walk sideways

| https://generated.inspirobot.me/a/LVPM4QYzJX.jpg

| >>568575
makin thred lulz

| >>26d734 I'd totally play this for the 20 minutes before it gets repetitive and boring
>delhi frock howdy

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1560024448

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