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If you can have a specific superpower..

| What would it be?

P.S. Captchan said>>turn some emma

| The power to materialize any object I want

| thanos snap

| omnipotence

| >>566579 >>566588 >>566538
you guys are boring and dumb

| omniscience

| impotence

| time

| >>566593 that's my superpower

| >>566600 hmmm
I want to edit memories so I can be like lain!
>akkad orate gen

| Ability to change gravity of objects around me and me as well.

| The ability to color text once per day.

| Shoot beer out of my fingers

| The ability to be loved

| Absolute control over time.

| >>566537
Without restrictions? Exponentially higher intelligence.

You saw all this dumb fuckers with int equivalent to 80 IQ. All biomass with 100 IQ. Some geniuses with 130-170 IQ.

So, what it is like to be an entity with intelligence so high, that our crappy metric would go crazy and show 10000 or even 100000 IQ?
Not that we have tests for that. Nobody ever needed that

| Wish I could make copy versions of myself that can eat, walk, talk and those stuff like clones do, but learning and exercising could be shared like a hivemind.

Just so I could make a band with me, myself and I, Play some paintball, learn properly how to play basketball, code together at the same time, life is short you know, and wishing for a longer life only is wack.

Could do with slower aging tho, round up to 300 years

| >>566795 welcome to autism fool!

>>566799 not to mention fucking yourself, 69ing, or having some to hold the phone when you're laying on your back...

| Have a jojo stand

| Telekinesis. I would just mess with people at school and in public by making small items in their hand move or drop them muahahaha

| Teleportation, immortality, and pain nullification. Imagine you can travel through galaxies instantly? That would be awesome.

The rest is in case you teleport into a black hole or something.

| Alright so basically, I want to be an alchemist. But like, a battle alchemist that uses his power to extract certain components from the environment to rapidly create potions.

I could even have an outfit designed to work with this power and allow me to perform more complex on-the-fly brewing. I can have the outfit prepare some components or mixture while I'm running around making other more simple stuff

| >>566859
So, basically you're saying I'm a genius?
No, that would not be like that. It would be more like being an overpowered ASI, with ability to predict and change anything. Power to turn the tide.

It's not autistic by any means. Trust me, I know a lot about being autistic.

| Tentacles I can summon and command to do my bidding. Y'know why.

| I'll take thatspeech 100 shit and be able to convince people anything at any time I need.

I can talk my way in and out of everything.

| >>567457 Deaf people too? Good luck, Silver Tongue

| Just be able to shapeshift into any appearance I want that's a living organism. Yeet.

| >>566756 so like Gravity Daze? I too would like to fall in any direction.

| >>3fa96e thats how good the power is.

| To open the door out of existence, walk out, and walk back in if I decide to

| I'd like to know how reality handles a subjective paradox anyway.

| The ability to deconstruct anything down to it's natural materials, and construct vice versa.

| The ultimate superpower, self control.

| Ability to travel to other worlds

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1559960578

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