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My dog ate my ethernet cable for the second time

| I'm so annoyed right now and I just literally replaced it like a week ago

| Your dog wanted to nibble those bytes

| But yeah, my birds do the same all the time

| When I was young and we had chickens, they'd peck at the computers sometimes, probably because they were warm. I don't think they ever broke cables, though.
erna dazes belie

| Have you tried something to stop your dog from doing that?

Splinkle some sulphur, chocolate and raisins. The certain death from intoxication should be enough to convince your dog.

>Doom amiga moog

Silly captcha, moogles are from Final Fantasy, not the Amiga port of Doom.

| Give your dog some bones, my dog used to eat all the shit she saw and punishing wouldn't work so we decided to give her some bones and she eventually stopped.

| >>216849 my dog has stuff to chew all the time but sometimes he just chews random stuff like my ethernet cable.

| >>563326 have you tried redirecting him? keep a chew toy near you. when he does bite the cable (or anything he's not supposed to, tbh) give him a firm "no" and put the toy in his mouth. rinse and repeat as many times as needed, he'll get it eventually (dogs are just stubborn as fuck)

| That's a very weird connection issue.

| >>1a8d75 it's kind of hard to tell when my dog is chewing the cable if I'm on my computer wearing headphones but when I see him doing something like that I obviously tell him to stop

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1558701025

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