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I just found out about Tulpas

| What do you think g/u/rls? I sense larping or training for upcoming mental ilness, maybe spoopy dark forces from times before man.

| Was this that crazy spiritual imaginary friend thing?

| there's lots of larpers andlots of people who are actually insane but there are probably a few real tulpamancers. there's only one I know who's definitely not either of those, hehe.
there's no dark forces, but there are a few people who think there are. I'm not buying it, though.

| >>553277 I think the really dangerous ones are the people who are actually insane and try to make more people join them in the fake thing
Maybe there are real ones, but if they do exist they aren't the ones trying to make it mainstream

| There's a similar phenomenon called soulbonds or headmates. They're the correct term (as tulpas ended up becoming an appropriatiom from tibetian culture) and not as complicated.

A lot of people do experience headmates because they aren't truly a manifestation of a sentient being. Is just a way of communication through common headspace.

You could call them imaginary friends, but it doesn't make them any less real or valid.

Ps: just saw the gatcha and it said "wicca", how funny!

| Think about them being more like spirits.

| >>723ef8 here:
>>553287 I thought soulbonds and tulpas were only different in where the character came from and headmates was the catchall term?
I wouldn't recommend thinking about them like spirits, that confuses a lot of people as far as I've seen.
>>553283 there are definitely bad people like that. I wouldn't say that real tulpamancersswant to make it mainstream but most are very welcoming.

| I'd say soulbonds, atleast from what I've spoken with other soulbonders and ppl who practice witchcraft that souldbonds are practically spirits. It depends on beliefs, but I see soulbonds as spirits from alternatives universes.

| I had one. It was a relatively harmless experience, and she really helped me out at some point. It is not as scary as people think. If you're already sane, Tulpa won't make you crazy, and vice versa if you already have mental issues, Tulpa probably will make them worse.

Nothing spiritual there though. Just a deliberate hallucination.

| Any guide recs or other resources??? I tried finding some myself but mostly got some furry forums and I ain't trusting those.

| Reddit has an extensive guide about tulpa. How to create one as well as pros and cons for creating one. If you're really interested try starting there?

| Is this like that FF7 house thing?

| tulpa.info

| i'd like to have a tulpa but the guides are shit and i'm just not autistic enough to do forcing

| I find really hilarious that the first ones to popularizar these tulpa things were bronies obsessed so much with it that they literally forced/worsened a mental illness on themselves

If anyone out there really thinks these things are not a byproduct of one's obsessions and self-deception they need the help of a psychologist

| >>554519


| >>554252
>wants tulpa
>doesn't want to force

the number of bronies I've met through this is unfortunately high

| Wait, so tulpas are almost like spren?

| I have a friend who got into making a tulpa, haven't gotten an update from him about it yet, though. But from what he described and what I read, Tulpas are basically like imaginary friends that you make sentient?
Think of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, but instead of appearing in real life, it's in your imagination.
Though, some people deny that they're imaginary, and some people have their tulpas talk through them/control their body?
It's pretty interesting.

| Tbh, I kinda want to make a tulpa, but I don't think I'm up for the responsibility of creating, talking to, and managing literally another being in my mind lol

| Лмао, нафаню на тульпу поймали, спешите видеть! Уже купил новый фингербокс?

| >>555185
Ты видимо только сварщиков встречал?

| >>554533
it just feels awkward my dude. like i just want it to pop up one day and be there and that's all. i'm lazy

| >>555249 yeah, but also the whole process kinda creeps me out?? I've read that at the beginning your tulpa will be kind of like a robot when it talks to you and shit. Having something that behaves almost like a human in my head wouldnt feel right. Not to mention having to share a body. "I want to read but now my tulpa wants to ride a rollercoaster." "I want to date Josh but now my tulpa wants to date Linda." "I can't tell my parents because they would think I'm mentally ill."

| You can't tell anyone else actually! And they do say you can just make your tulpa disappear but once you've gone far enough it's going to put up a fight. I just don't see why people do this thing. Too many risks to let something willingly into your mind.

| >>555203
Что ты несешь?

| >>555272 other than not being able to tell anyone, I've not found it that inconvenient. It might help that we're both losers who don't ever want to do anything, though. Also, my tulpa never felt robotic or unnatural.

| You can keep the tulpas simple and just have it do a specific task for you like retain information or answe math questions.

| >>555272
Maybe not a robot, but like a baby or a kid that you have to teach. Eventually, it'll be able to act on its own.

| >>555272 you are talking about some advanced stuff which is not very popular. A lot of people just want to talk to someone who truly understands them.

| >>555380 what do you mean by advanced? A "fully sentient" being is literally the goal of making a tulpa, and that's what having another "person" in your mind is going to be like. The tulpa will want to interact with the physical world at some point, and will have opinions of your friends and family, maybe even hate them. You'll have no privacy ever again. You'll eventually get bored of your tulpa as well. Will you just make it disappear then? It just seems too troublesome to me.

| >>555279
Так ты не в теме? Забираю свои слова назад: съёбывай отседа.

| tulpas do not exist. People that claim to have tulpas are just actually mentally ill

| >>555394
> The tulpa will want to interact with the physical world at some point

And you will refuse her. She can't do anything serious without your consent, that's the point.

> and will have opinions of your friends and family, maybe even hate them

Well, the thing is, if your mind is relatively sane, it wouldn't allow to exist someone who hates you or your family in the first place.

> You'll have no privacy ever again

She can rest in her own world. Not a problem.

| To sum it up, solutions to problems with Tulpa are limited only to the power of imagination.

| >privacy
for the first couple months, every time we talked, my tulpa could read my thoughts. after a while, however, as our thoughts grew more separate, it became harder to read each others'. now, we only share what we want to. that being said, I never really have any thoughts I'd want to hide; most of the stuff I'd want to hide from anybody doesn't really matter to tulpas.

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