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| So I had this weird dream. It takes place back in high school. I did something and this girl wanted to be my gf. Yeah, stupid right. Don't even remember what it was, I think it was something small. So she invites me to this event at night at school. This is where the strange things happen. I see all my old friends there. I join a couple of them to go around and have some food. On the outskirt of the school, we see this old man vendor selling some pink fried crackers.

| He says some cryptic things and I have a back and forth with him and basically he's a creepy dude. We leave, turn the corner, and run into a dead end. I think the finish the pink stuff in case he shows up because I felt like he'd take offense if I didn't. Sure enough, he followed us. More cryptic talk and he mentions a poem/book title and we say we don't know it. He then mentions one with the words "crow" and "sea".

| I say I know it, but in reality I've never heard of a poem called that.
Turns out there is a poem called "Crow and the Sea" by Ted Hughes. So now I'm trying to figure what the poem means.

| Yawn

| last night I dreamed that I was in high school and nobody was wearing pants

| I keep dreaming that someone I know keeps dying in odd ways (terminators, cruise ship going down, black hole) is this a sign?

| >>332954 No, it sounds made up.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1555909276

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