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Is NoFap worth it?


| If you are addicted yes. If not no.

| what kind of question even is this? ofc it's not worth it, fapping is awesome-

| >>549204 But how to know if you have an addiction?

| >>549217 A quick Google search brought me this:

-You spend far more time viewing porn than you originally intended.
-You're unsuccessful in your efforts to stop or limit your consumption of pornography.
-Your time spent viewing pornography interferes with, or takes precedence over, other personal and professional commitments, hobbies, and relationships in your life.

| -You experience a cycle of arousal and enjoyment before and during pornography consumption, followed by feelings of shame, guilt, and remorse after you have viewed pornography.
-You spend a significant amount of time thinking about pornography, even when you are not watching it.
-Viewing pornography has otherwise caused any other negative consequences in your personal or professional life (missed work, poor performance, neglected relationships, financial problems).

| Very no.

| Lol no, it'll make you worse you'll feel the need to do as you force yourself to stop, it's like when you actively try not to think about something, it gets stuck in your head

| anyone who says no is addicted and don't even know that through noFap, you can nullify your sexual desires for a time.
you become free from shallow physical stuff and can start to think clearly.
you yourself don't know it, but orgasms anchor you into the physical. and that isn't good, because you lose a part of you and it clouds your brain, your self.

| the best technique is to stop consumption. don't look at a single titty. when you relapse, start all over again.
keep yourself distracted.
eventually you'll get there. and on the way, you'll realize how addicted you truly are.
just like these guys here.
>>549204 >>549216 >>549240 >>549278 >>549278 >>549278 >>549278 >>549278 >>549278

| >>549319 this is the kinda answer I was looking for. NoFap FTW xD

| >>549319 >>549371 >>549318
In case my Id changed, I'm >>cf4e93
And to be honest this NoFap shit made my life worse, I was irritable I was changed even seeing women made the urge strong it really didn't help
But now, now it's been a month since I last fapped, what did it fpr me wasn't some NoFap movement or whatever, I just got a hobby(reading fantasy books) and forgot completely about porn, though it hurt my finances since I'm compulsively buying more books to keep me entertained

| >>549372 could you go to the library frien? They have many books there!

| NoFappers get a 50$ gift card to Old Navy after going a whole year without touching themselves.

| It is worth it only if you make it count
Our time in this realm is limited
Ask yourself how you truly want to spend that time
Ask yourself what you want to achieve in life
There are many ways to gain genuine joy, satisfaction and pride
Now if Nofap is standing in the way of your dreams, do as you must
But do you think it is?

| ITT: anyone that answer "no" is addicted to fapping

lol even if you get extra 30 mins per day for not fapping. Chances are that you will spend it doing nothing productive like playing games, watching tv, browsing social media/reddit, or sleep.

If you are disciplined to spend those free times exercizing, studying, or doing other productive, you wouldn't need nofap to begin with.

| >>549587
Since when is "not doing anything productive" == "ADDICTED TO FAPPING" ?
OP, don't ask the internet something only you can answer. You end up inviting "holier than though" faggots like this dude. You do you g/u/rl

| It's because of people like this(>>60b3e9) that I say no, what good it does to stop fapping if you become a cultist?

| >>60b3e9 >browsing social media
So danger/u/ is not social media? What are you even doing here, if this is so unproductive?

| the one thing from which all of the derniers' answers branch is this:


that's it. nothing else. there isn't a single argument against noFap.


| When I don't fap for too long, I'll cum asleep, making a mess. That's why that's a no for me. Better to do that in the toilet, cleanly.

| >>549669
Oh, better not eat these cookies. I could get fat!
No more alcohol, I heard it's bad for your liver, I think.
No thanks to flavor, healthy food should be as bland as possible.
Can't listen to music anymore. So long Mozart...
Good riddance to any pain relievers! If I get into an accident, I don't want those doctors taking away any suffering because pain is natural and healthy.
Life is so much more enjoyable when you avoid anything that feels good like the plague!

| >>549686 ooh yess daddy u know I like it like dahh

| Lol these people talk about porn rewiring the brain but their braim seems to be more rewired than mine
Damn cultists, a quickie fap every other week won't tun me into a compulsive sexual predator or make me too dumb to do my job as a programmer

| >>549676 pretty much this. I eat before I starve. I go to bed before I fall asleep on the desk. The same with fapping, I fap before my body throw it out when I sleep.

| You know what's funny? In Va11-Halla it's implied, that Jill watches porn and I'm pretty sure the danger/u/ discord has an NSFW channel, so are you sure, you're not in the wrong community, if you think, people who fap are idiots?

I get, that people have different tastes and not everyone likes to fap, but saying that those, who fap are mindless idiots is just childish and pretentious
So pls grow up or get out of here

| Is it worth it? I used to think so. Maybe 6 years ago I went 5 months or so without fapping or looking at any sexual content at all.
I noticed: Irritated easily, wake up really early, have a lot of energy to work out/do stuff, intense sexual dreams sometimes. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but that's my experience.
Nowadays I just fap every day prob and can't be bothered to do nofap. I'd say it is worth IF you have specific goals in mind. Such as have more energy and stuff.

| >>549915
your mind was still set on perv stuff. it's completely useless to clean your consumption if your mind stays in the gutter.
clean your mind

| >>549686
you are fucking retarded. go back to jerking you degenerate monkey.

| >>549914
>dude, grow up and get addicted to porn like a fucking teenager!

| If anything, this thread at least proves people who are into nofap are more irritable, less reasonable and less likeable too

| No fappers are so freaking irritating. They act like they're better because they have a stick up their ass about jerking it. Uh protip buddies, if you can go long periods of time without touching yourself or watching porn YOU PROBABLY DON'T HAVE A PORN ADDICTION IN THE FIRST PLACE.

What the hell are you guys trying to achieve by insulting regular people who don't think abstaining from touching yourself is a virtue anyways? Is it that because you suffer, they have to as well?

| >>550069 way to disprove my point that they are more irritable... :/

| >>550079

| Seeing pervy stuff and being comfortable around it == Adult
Seeing pervy stuff and going onna crusade against people who masturbate while pretending you're holy = Hill billy retard

| >>550065 Did you even read my post? I literally said, that I can understand people, who don't fap
My point was that it's just ridiculous to say, people who fap are idiots
And that is exactly what I mean with childish, you can't even counter my argument

| >>550079 this guy actually cannot read. I'm surprised he figured out how to use post here

| >>550323 what? I said she disproved my point because her post gave an angry vibe, kinda disproving my point that they are more irritable since their posts were more offensive

Total number of posts: 39, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1555084217

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