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Some advice needed

| In recent times, I've had difficulty fighting through depression. Unfortunately it's affected multiple aspects of my life, including output with my schoolwork. I've lost all motivation and confidence, having trouble mustering up doing and even turning in multiple assignments.

I promised myself to stick through this semester, even if I fail it. But, I used to be a decent student, so this has been weighing on my mind. How do I stop beating myself up and push forward?

| I felt something similar and it just resolved by themselve.
Dont puhs to hard, try to relax and rest, your mental health is more important than school. But make sure that you would not fail it. Ask teachers and schoolmates how to pass with minimum work
When you will feel better then work harder

| How did you get depressed to begin with? If you have a reason

| >>548970
Have you tried anti-depressants?
Worked wonders for me.

| >>549029
Not OP
I fucking hate antidepressants and therapists so much. How can one even tolerate them?
And i've been living in mild depression since i was like 15 maybe? Don't know, it's just got worse since then. A lot.
So if it works for you it's great, but for me... i just can't understand how it helps.
Seems funny how much of anatomy and other things i learnt trying to understand how to properly kms. Huh.

| my advice to you? nothing.

if you keep going that way, you'll either succeed or fail. if you succeed, things will gradually get better. or not. if they don't get better, you'll get depressed about it again and will, once again, either succeed or fail, as you were.
if you fail, you will hit the ground.

| >>549108
and you will either remain on the ground all your long life (i doubt it) or it will forge you, and you will become stronger, bitter and mature, ready to fight through, because you've seen the abyss and don't ever want to return there.

| >>549109
the worst probable path is the one where things don't get better and don't get too worse too, just continuously straining and stagnant, moving from one depressing thing to another, not ever making progress.
but hey.
that's what midlife crises are for. you either move and grow in strength or you don't and you hit the ground, at at some late or early point, you develop the rage to win. or you don't because things work out.
ahh i'm blabbering. i speak from experience.

| >>549110
so i guess this is the lesson. i don't have any advice for you because this path is your natural fate. it's not "you either succeed at something or you don't", it's "you keep moving and things will happen".
you'll be alright no matter what, because you don't have a choice. not because you're forced or anything, but it's either or. it's just natural fate. it's hard to describe actually, i'm hoping you don't misinterpret it.

| >>549108 >>549109 >>549110 >>549112
you can safely ignore my "advice", it's not that insightful anyways. here, a parting gift.

| >>548983 Understood. I'm committed to finishing my classes, and I've started looking for help from my school.

>>549023 Personal issues, lack of confidence, depression is hereditary in my family it seems too.

>>549029 >>549065 I haven't tried antidepressants, but I'm considering. I did therapy previously, and I'm looking for a new one now.

>>549108 You raise good points. But honestly, I hope to find the will before I reach rock bottom.

>>549114 Thanks for that video.

| >>549065
I get the therapist hate, I had a string of really bad ones. And I hated the idea of taking antidepressants, messing with the natural chemical balance of my brain.
Have you tried taking them? You don't need to see a therapist to self-medicate.

| How about you stop beating yourself up and accept your flaws? All your flaws make up you dude, why fight yourself? Accept them and if you can, improve on them.

| >>549626
I tried. Hated it. Just makes you even more slow and sloppy. Doesn't bring joy or content. Makes you not care about things (i'd rather care about).
Not really strong ones i guess, but that's what those guys said me to start with.
All of them were prescription only though, but maybe that's just in my country.


| ...
But if i was in your shoes, i'd rather try it once. You see, if you have real depresaion it means that your chem balance already screwed.
Anti depressants do help most people. Guess i'm just lucky exception.
So, brother, take your chances and get out of here or you'll stuck here just as i'm now.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1554982338

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