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2 words story

| Once upon

| An octagon

| Elmo found

| the source

| Of Jack's

| Shiny Porygon

| And caught

| deez nuts

| some std's

| And some

| soggy pancakes

| (>>544003 >>544008 nice)

| It all

| made sense

| when Elmo

| dabbed on

| his grandma

| And asked

| why banana

| Phone stopped

| Ringing after

| The big

| Gay took

| two pills

| That would

| Expand his

| Heavy bolter

| made of

| Dirty socks

| From the

| Big penises

| That fuck

| All bees

| In the

| Stinger. The

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1553887254

This thread is permanently archived